Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sean's last day of preschool!

Sean's preschool ended today, 6/16, for summer and for good for our big boy.  He graduated from preschool!  I know it is part of raising children, but it is bitter sweet watching them grow.  He was the big-eyed smiley baby and look how tall and independent he has become...  Sean's preschool class had a graduation party today and Mike and I were able to go towards the end of it.  Unfortunately, we missed the ceremony but I was able to snap a photo of him with the graduation cap on in his classroom.  Suddenly he looked so tall and big in a classroom full of preschool-sized toys and furniture.  Yep, he is ready to move on, I thought.  I chatted with the teacher and the para educators and thanked them for all they have done for him.  Special Ed team has heart of gold and I am so grateful for every one of them. 

I exchanged numbers with several Moms and we are going to have playdates during summer.  Since the children in the class were from various areas in Bellevue, they will all go to different kindergarten in the fall.  Sean feels sad about that and asked why his friends are all going to different schools.  I am happy that he loves playing with his friends and miss them when he won't see them again.  It was implied before from the neurologists from Autism Center that Sean will not be able to make friends easily, but he already proved them wrong.  I am so proud of him for achieving so much academically and socially.  After the testing, they had determined that Sean no longer needs speech and occupational/physical therapy services at school.  All he gets is social skills group sessions 30 minutes per week.  He went into preschool with all these challenges and he conquered them all.  Good job, my big boy!!  You can do anything and I am so proud of you!
Sean made the cap and was very proud to wear it today.  Congratulations, Sean!

Sean's last walk to board the bus to preschool...

Sean's last bus ride to preschool this morning...

He was eating his breakfast this morning.  He chose to wear the shirt grandma bought him.

I tried to snap better photos with both boys.  They were the best buddies in Ms. Hanson's class.  Someone called them a partner in crime, but they play very well together.  We'll have lots of playdates during summer for sure!

We went for a special walk with everyone after dinner today to celebrate Sean's graduation from preschool.  We stopped by and checked on the construction of Spiritride Elem, Sean's new school!

A group photo in front of a big tree in the "jungle".

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