Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sometimes you feel like a kid

So tonight, kids and I were playing with molding clay and we were making all sorts of things like snails, bunnies, donut and lollipops.  I noticed that Saya poked a hole in her snail with her finger and it looked like the snail was eating her little finger.  That inspired me to make a finger eating monster and created Mr. Finger Muncher as pictured above.  I did the monster voice and pretended that Mr. Finger Muncher was very hungry for children's fingers.  Initially, the kids were giggling and put their finger in his mouth willingly.  Atmosphere started to change soon later when I used deeper voice and made his mouth move as he "spoke".  Suddenly, the kids were terrified of Mr. Finger Muncher!  Maybe a matured parent would have stopped then, but a kid inside me decided to push it further and started to chase the poor children.  Saya was crying, Sean and Aly's face more serious now, they ran around the house to save their fingers.  I hid behind the wall with Mr. Finger Muncher and jumped out, scaring the heck out of Sean who screamed for his dear life.  Saya at that point was beyond scared and finally decided to destroy the monster.  Three children watched as I squashed him, their eyes still distrusting.  How cute are they though to be scared of a molding clay creation driven by their Mom?   I could not help but smile.  I can just picture my Mom shaking hear head!

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