Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just Photos and Lots of them!

Saya painting in the kitchen.  She knows all her colors and likes to mix up all the colors in the tray just like her older siblings!

Off to "pick up" Sean and Aly at Parker's house.  Saya has a cute new beanie hat that she loves!  I am very proud of Noah.  He peed in the toilet today.  I've been putting him on the potty for a short while and he seems to be getting it. He loves sitting on the potty like he's been wanting to do it.  He looks down to see if anything comes out and does that occasionally, so I know he is thinking about it.  Just because he doesn't talk does not mean he should be delayed at other things.  In fact, he is a very smart kid and is very much capable of doing what other children are doing. 

Playing in the front yard.  Saya still makes me nervous when she runs towards the street.  Sean and Aly are pretty good about it now and I can trust them.  Noah, no way! 

Aly gets a scoop of ice cream once in a while.  She says she likes the chocolate ice cream the most.  I like how she pronounces chocolate in English.  It's like she mixed Spanish, English and Japanese all together.

Alyson took my yellow shavel from me ~ Saya

Come on sis, give that back to me!!

Cannot believe you are doing this to me!!  Alyson!!

Now I am going to wail and see what Mommy would do to you!! Ha!

I am impressed how skilled Alyson is working with small objects!  I am the queen of clumsy.  She made her bead necklace pretty much all by herself.  No way I would have been able to do it when I was three!

I did it!  She loves her new butterfly necklace.

Sean surprised me by picking up a worm by fingers the other day.  He was the kid who could not even touch a lady bug a short while ago.  Here, he tossed a worm he picked up earlier in my garden.

I took all four kids to the park this morning.  It's always easy to keep a couple in the swring, so they would not go anywhere.  I give a really big push on the swings and then run over to tend the other kid.  Keeping an eye on all four roaming kids at a large park is challenging, but I am used to it now. 

Sean liked this spinning chair.  This thing goes around very fast!  Saya tried it, too, and she could not walk straight afterwards!

That's Saya in yellow.  I don't think I allowed myself to be this far when Sean was at her age.  I was with another kid on a swing and my rader spotted her going off the playground.  I ran to her after taking this shot and suggested her to come back to play. 

There was a cute little cottege at the park.  It was a conference and reception house where people can rent, sort of like The Bishop's house where Mike and I got married in Boise.  It was very pretty and reminded me of our wedding.  I told Aly, maybe she'll get married here someday. :-)

Speaking of marrige...  Sean thinks he is going to marry both Parker and Ruby (his classmate and he calls her his girlfriend).  I told him that marrige is commonly between a man and woman and then he said "why does it have to be a girl?" like he was annoyed. 

Found this interesting-looking statue at the garden.  I liked that someone put a flower on the male statue's hand. 

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