Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bike Ride Again~

Well, this bike ride thing is working out pretty well for our family.  We found a perfect park to ride around in and they have a playground even Noah doesn't get bored with.  He normally wonders off in about five minutes, but this one he is entertained for a long time.  We park the car near the playground and ride our bikes on a bike trail to a big open area where we ride around for about 20 minutes.  After we had enough of racing with each other, we head back to the playground.  We had a picnic on the grass by the playground to fill hungry tummies.  Kids ate well and Daddy and I enjoyed the tuna and egg salad sandwitch with chips and salsa.  Now, we are home and the kids look pretty tired.  Sean, Aly and Saya are slouched on the couch watching a movie.  Only Noah is lasting like an energizer bunny still running around on the deck.  I get the feeling that the summer gets more fun ever yeah until... they are in teens and don't want to hang with their Mom and Dad.  I have about eight more years, if I am lucky, before Sean decides we are uncool!

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