Monday, August 22, 2011

Good-bye Clements!

Manuel making the batter for his special crepe (his mom's recipe).  They were yummy!

The Clements family~ 

The game room was packed with children staring at the TV (one of them were playing a game).

They had a drum set out on the deck.  Sean, Aly and Saya spent quite sometime banging the drums.  Christine suggested buying a drumset for them, but hmmm I don't think so...

Saya in the sun! 

Aly insisted on wearing this dress since she was going to a party.

The Clements are moving to California next weekend. :-( 
They had a crepe party at their house this morning and we went to say good-bye to them with a bowl of brown sugar and buttered bananas for the crepe topping.  They were such a fun family to live nearby.  They held movie in the yard event every summer, helped organize a neighborhood block party etc... it won't be the same without them.  Christine made Saya a pink stuffed fish when she was born and gave us two swaddlers, pink and blue, when the twins were born.  They were also the first one to knock on our door when we moved in with a homemade muffins.  I am truly sad... At least the Facebook will keep us connected.  We will miss you, Manuel, Christine, Soren and Claire!!!

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