Sunday, August 14, 2011


Wee tiny broccoli.  I waited too long thinking it is meant to be bigger and it flowered...

Parker loved our pool.  Too bad we haven't have much hot days.  The kids all love playing in the pool.

Miss Saya.  She is a funny little girl.

They were making up some game amongst themselves.

Noah likes to do his own thing, but does like the others' company.

Sean being silly.

This long summer break is finally getting to us! The boys are in yelling mood (yes, my sweet Noah, too!) and how much I can take is the question. Sean and Noah's summer school ended 10 days ago and the schedule has been off since then. Sean attended a reading summer camp last week, but that was just one week. I thought about enrolling him in another summer camp, but realized that he gets more stressed out going to a new summer camp at this point before kindergarten. Noah only has two therapy sessions in a week and he seems bored and insecure. He shouts a lot and started throwing tantrums, very very loud ones.

So, I've been arranging playdates almost every day and I think that is another reason why I am exhausted. I think I will slow down and convince myself that sometimes it's ok to just stay home and take it easy. What a nutcase!! I feel like I am running a very long marathon and I am at 3/4 distance to the finish line. The school will start on Sept 6 and I am so ready for it to begin.

This is the snap shot of a day (last Wednesday)

9:40 am - Left home with 4 kids to drop Saya to her Japanese class.
10:00 am - Left Saya's school to go to YMCA to let the three remaining children play until Sean's summer camp at 11:15 am.
10:50 am - Left YMCA to drop off Sean to his summer camp, however Sean fell outside at the Y and became hysterical. Rushed to Bartell's Drug Store to buy band aid. Put band aid on Sean but he was so frantic, I had to tell his teacher he cannot attend the class today.
11:30 am - Drove to Saya's school and waited around with the kids in the car until noon.
12:00 pm - Picked Saya up from the Japanese school and went home for lunch.
12:25 pm - Arrived at home and made lunch quickly to feed all of them.
1:15 pm - Left with four kids to drop Sean off at his Occupational Therapy with Jessica.
1:30 pm - Took the remaining three kids to the nearby mall to kill time.
2:20 pm - Picked up Sean from the OT.
2:30 pm - Drove to Issaquah for Sean and Noah's Autism Therapy at 3:00 pm.
3:00 pm - Dropped Sean and Noah off at autism school and drove back home with the girls.
3:20 pm - Finally home!! Passed out on the couch while the girls play and fight.
I am sure other Mom's have similar schedules.  I see minivans with children everywhere in town.  Kudos to all the Mom's out there!!  Here is hoping I get some kind of stress relief soon so that I won't explode!! 

1 comment:

Jan said...

I couldn't keep up with it, Kimi! Can't wait to see all of you in a little over a week!

Love, Jan