Monday, November 28, 2011

Beautiful Snoqualmie, WA

A group pic at the look out deck.  The Salish Lodge is on the left.

The fall is beautiful and the water looks silky.

At the train depot.

A precious cargo!

Our first Christmas decoration of the year!  Sean was excited to see the Christmas tree!
Us, Seattleites, have a tendency to feel wasteful to spend a non-raining day indoors, especially in the rainy season, and we found ourselves in Snoqualmie a week ago in the mid 30s temperature, just because it's not raining and it's been a while since we visited the quaint little town just 20 minutes away from our house.  Every time I visit the town, I think of the weired movie I watched two decades ago with an equally puzzled friend.  They filmed "Twin Peaks" there and the town still tries to hold on to the 15 mins of fame by hanging the sign "The Famous Cherry Pie from Twin Peaks" on a cafe facade.  I am drawn to this town since it's forgotten and mysterious because of the movie.  I still don't know what the film was about and I think I should watch it again now that I speak and understand English!

We first drove to the main attraction, Snoqualmie Falls, and got sprayed by ice cold mist from the fall.  The fall is large and the kids were impressed.  They even thought the freezing mist was kind of fun.  There weren't too many tourists and we got a good look at the fall.  I've been wanting to visit the Salish Lodge perched on the riverside right next to the fall, which apparently has a nice SPA and breakfast.  We took some pictures and left, since I was losing color in my middle finger!

We stopped at the outdoor railroad museum in the downtown and looked at old locomotives.  I cannot help but compare it with the grand railroad museum in Sacramento, the greatest museum of its kind, and it looks almost sad.  However, the kids had fun running around looking at the trains.  It was getting very cold and my fingers were in pain from losing blood supply.  We decided to go home to the warmth since we got our outing fixes met.

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