Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Warm Day on the Deck

Sean and Aly ejoyed riding their bikes together.

The smile tells it all! It's fun to play on the deck!

Noah was so excited to play!

Miss Saya with her favorite Tinker Bell jacket.

The trees are gorgeous, but they do make a mess and clog up the gutter...

I am behind in posts again and the current heavy rain spell almost convinced me that this March is the most miserable of all, however the pictures I took last week reminded me of a warm day we had.  During winter time our deck literally becomes the dumping ground to fallen leaves and branches from the big trees we have in our yard.  It's wet, messy and slippery, so I avoid even looking at it and surprisingly you kind of forget its existence over time. 

We had a dry warm day in upper 50s one day, so we decided to venture out the forgotten investment we made for the kids.  Jason had just cleaned the deck the day before, so it was debris free.  I had to wipe clean all their riding toys and bikes since it's been a while since we used them.  The kids, especially, Noah was so excited to be on the deck.  He was like a new fawn jumping around the deck enjoying being outside.  The kids in Seattle do suffer for lack of freely playing outside during the rainy season.  I hope this wet weather goes away soon so that we can all enjoy our big deck more often.  I really miss those warm days.

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