Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Perfect Saturday

A rare shot of Saya holding hands with Daddy!

I love the winter colors.  Soon, the gold will be replaced by bright green!

Aly was running around, having fun.

Saya was starting to get a little tired.

Scooped up by Daddy.

These children are not for sale.

Noah just had the best time playing peek-a-boo with Daddy.
Every weekend, I feel a certain pressure - a pressure to not waste any time when I have more access to Mike.  I am not sure why I do, but I know that sometimes this feeling ruins my chance of having a pleasurable weekend.  I am happy to say that I was quite satisfied with how we spent our weekend, not too busy and not too boring. 

After Sean's speech on Saturday, all of us including Nana met up at Crossroads Mall to have lunch together.  We were able to relax since it's just a food court and the kids were behaving well anyway.  Sean always eats hot dog and fries, and Saya and Alyson normally eat grilled cheese sandwich and fries.  Noah eats whatever he is willing to eat, sometimes a bowl of plain rice or a sandwich brought from home. 

We parted with Nana since she had to wait for a carpet installer at home and we decided to go to Marymoor Park for a family walk.  It was a very windy day, but sunny and warm in 50s.  The park was packed with bikers and people enjoying the sun.   Mike suggested walking on the path at the end of the park since there are less bicyclists.  The wind from Lake Sammaish was rather cold even on a warm day, but it was a beautiful walk.  We spotted some ducks on the creek and kids had fun being out and walking with the entire family.  Saya got tired towards the end, so Daddy carried her.  It was sweet because she was resting her head on his shoulder. 

After our nice walk, we headed out to Redmond Town Center to have ice cream at the kids' favorite ice cream place.  Sean and Aly always order pink lemonade sorbet and Saya the mint ice cream since it's light green.  Surprisingly, Noah even ate the pink lemonade this time.  He always preferred to skip the cold treat.  As the kids were seated and eating their sweets, many passerby looked and smiled at us.  I noticed why they were smiling when I went outside myself to see.  The kids were all lined up facing towards the window and they looked darn cute!  Something about a family with four young children close in age.  I think we resemble Mommy and Daddy ducks with four ducklings. 

We went to the little enclosed play area in the shopping center afterwards and the children had a good time playing.  Mike and I pretended that we are crocodiles and the kids were squealing not to be eaten by us.  Noah loved to be chased and tickled when he was caught.  They rarely get Mommy and Daddy's full attention at the same time, so I am sure they enjoyed it a lot.

A beautiful day, indeed. 

p.s. Ended the day with fresh Mac & Jack's African Amber!

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