Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Visit to Christmas Tree Farm

It's that time of the year again~  The clan headed out to Carnation Tree Farm on Saturday morning to find the certain something that lights up the room and smells nice - a Christmas Tree!

It was a misty morning, but the faint orange in the gray sky was a sure sign the fog would soon burn off.  Jagged deep green of the trees was a great contrast to floating shapeless mist.  I could have stared at the scenery for a long time, but we had an important business to do!

We knew what kind of tree we wanted, Nordman or Korean Fir.  Their needles are thicker than the typical pines and do not shed as much.  I held Noah's hand and he did great walking with me.  Sean and Saya ran ahead very excited.  We found "the one" shortly after we began our search.   We looked at it in all angles, close and far, shook it a bit, and it passed the test.  Noah and I stayed with the tree while the rest looked further to see if there is a better one.  Sean shouted "Mommy!!" and waved from the end of the farm.  They didn't find any.  Daddy cut the tree and loaded it on the trolley to have it netted.  Sean was happy and guarded the tree by walking right beside it.  Noah was a little whinny by then since he wanted to go check out the farmer's house (he loves front area of any houses, in particular the ones with some kind of statues), but he did surprisingly well walking with me.  Maybe we could become finally stroller free!? 

We had fun decorating the tree.  Sean and Saya competed against each other to put ornaments fast.  My only request to them was not to put the ornaments in the same spot and distribute them evenly.  I think they did a good job.  We like having a fresh tree for its natural beauty and calming scent.  Now it's officially the Christmas season in the Campbells household!

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