Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday, Saya Elizabeth!

Little Saya turned four on Thursday last week and she was as cute as she can be.  Her siblings could not contain their excitement, either, and they all woke up at 5:21 am.  I heard thumps and giggles, then someone dashing to the bathroom.  "Oh, great," I thought and sooner thereafter Aly barged into my bedroom saying "It's Saya's birthday!" with a big smile.

So, I was woken up way too early but I could not get mad at them.  The gorgeous weather we were having sure helped, but we had very excited birthday girl who kept exclaiming "it's my birthday today!" with a big smile on her face.  We had extra time in the morning before school, so we relaxed and spent some time together before getting ready for school.

I was an extra busy woman after dropping everyone off at school.  I went to Seattle's Uwajimaya (a big Japanese grocery store) and Daiso (Japanese 1 dollar shop) across the street to buy items for Sean's Royal Week and Saya's  Birthday party the following Saturday.   I love to drive to the city on a clear sunny day because I can see Mt. Rainer and Mt. Baker while driving on I-90 bridge.  When it's super clear, I can even see Mt. St. Helen behind Mt. Rainer.  I've decided that it's a triple good luck if I see all of three.  I saw just two mountains that day, but it sure makes me feel like a luckiest person on earth for that brief moment. 

I am a fast shopper now thanks to the fierce training my children give me and I had a fruitful shopping trip in the city.  It's so liberating to shop by myself and I tend to buy extra since it puts me in a good mood.  I made it just in time to pick up Noah in Redmond at 12:00.  I was told from his teachers that Noah was hyper today.  I said it's because he woke up too early and he is probably a walking zombie.

I had another one hour to myself after dropping Noah off at his public preschool.  I've realized I hadn't had a cup of coffee yet, so headed out to Crossroads Mall to get my liquid battery.  I was pretty tired of running around, so decided to sit in the car and sip my coffee while I caught up on my email.  I've decided to not do the formal birthday cake on the actual birthday and have the girls pick their favorite cupcakes at New York Cupcake.  I thought they would enjoy going into the store since it is all pink and girly. 

Going to the cupcake shop was a hit.  They were so impressed with the store, they could not settle their eyes to pick a cupcake to take home.  The woman who owns the store seemed a little impatient since the girls were taking time to decide.  There were no other customers, so I am not sure why she was.  But she did allow me to take the girls' pictures in the store so I am grateful!  The pictures turned out so cute, I want to frame them.  Saya settled on cherry cream frosting with chocolate cupcake and Aly chose cherry cream with vanilla.  I was good and did not buy any for myself.

We stopped at Nana's since Nana wanted to give a present to the birthday princess.  Saya got what she wanted from her - a giant Minnie Mouse stuffed toy.  She's been asking for it ever since we went to Disneyland in Tokyo.  The doll is huge and she carries it around in the house and sleeps with her.  Thank you Nana!

We waited to have the cake until Sean finished his math homework.  He did his homework super fast knowing he's getting a cake as soon as he is finished.  He has been doing better with homework since we introduced the routine schedule chart.  We make a list of tasks he needs to finish and we check it off when he completes the task.  He loves getting his checks and doesn't fight us as much.  We are so glad we discovered this method!

Saya sat at the oversized dining room table staring excitedly at the cupcake with a candle shaped like number 4.  We sang her the happy birthday song and she was showing her widest smile yet.  My baby is four already.  It is bitter sweet.  Looking at Sean now lean and long, I know how quickly they lose the baby soft skin and chubby arms.  Saya still has those toddler charms and I just wish somehow I could preserve it.  I find myself feeling her soft skin trying to imprint it in my memory forever.  I don't remember much about Sean and Alyson's baby softness (I remember Noah's), so I am not sure if my memory would last so long.  I just have to take lots of photos which captures Saya's cuteness and that might be more promising!  Happy 4th Birthday, my little princess!   Love Mommy

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