Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Alyson's Birthday Party

The kids' birthdays always creeps up on me and the twins' are the worst because it's usually near the Mid-Winter break, right before the Valentines, while I am still in the recovering mode from two 3-day weekends in January (and Christmas, too).  Before you know it, I am calling around birthday venues frantically leaving urgent messages for their ASAP attention.  It's a good thing though I don't get lured into booking an expensive party packages at kids birthday places.  By the time I panic, all the birthday time slots are taken.  We had Alyson's birthday party at home again this year.  We got lucky five little girls could join us even though I organized the party very late.  In the end, it all turned out perfectly.  No big crowd and cute little girls.

Alyson was so excited about the party.  I decorated the dining and living room with princess themed decorations and our house transformed into a fine party place instantly.  They sell party decorations at reasonable prices and it's an easy set up done in five minutes or less.  A great deal in deed.  This year, Alyson requested a Grace cake.  Grace is our fat cat and it's my first time sketching the cat and putting her on the cake.  I had a nice big picture of her, so I took some time drawing her face on a piece of paper.  Then I traced it on the cookie sheet so that I can trace it again and fill in with thin colored cookie dough to make a very thin Grace cookie.  To make her more realistic looking, I tried creating different shades of brown and gray.  The cat doesn't look much like her but it does look definitely like a cat.  I was pleased with how it turned out.

Mike took a day off for me so that he can take Noah out while the girls are over.  Sean had the sports camp so he was gone until 4 pm.  The little guests were quiet at first but they soon loosened up and were running around pulling toys out of every compartments in Aly's room.  They were having lots of fun.  I like Aly's friends because they are just so innocent and cute.  I don't know if I would feel the same way in three years when they start to get some attitudes but they are an adorable bunch for now.  I am happy Alyson has lots of friends and the friends like her.  All I want for now at her age is having fun at school.  I think she definitely is doing that and I am glad.

The girls were impressed with my cake.  They were wooing and wowing and Alyson looked very proud.  It's a lot of trouble to make a specialized cake like that but their smiles made it all worthwhile.  They liked the taste of the cake, too, except for one girl. She doesn't like strawberries and I put strawberries and cream as the filling.  Some of them asked for seconds and one of them was Alyson.  She likes it when I make cake with fresh whipped cream.  When the first parent came to pick his daughter up, the little girl got mad at him.  I guess she was having a good time and doesn't want to leave.  Very cute!  One little girl stayed back for a while since her parents had an appointment to go to.  It was perfectly fine because we played some board games together.  I had a good time playing the games with the girls.  I have to play more with my kids.  I'd forgotten how fun board games are.

I would say Alyson had a perfect little birthday party this year.  I met a Mom of one of the little girls who is Japanese.  She stayed with us during the party so we were able to chat while the kids played.  She is a lead violinist at Seattle Symphony Orchestra and a very nice lady.  I would imagine she worked very hard to get to where she is and it is inspiring to meet someone like her.  As a Mom of four, I tend to forget about my passion, shrinking behind the mountains of laundry and the wild living mess chasing me, but I must never miss the direction of where I want to get to.  Where or what is it?  That is an another big question. 

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