Friday, February 20, 2015

Mid Winter Break

We had a playdate with our friends and had Ben and Jerry.

We went to a park in Issaquah that had fun long slides.  I am surprised all the bumping didn't hurt them.

The kids schools are out this week for their Mid Winter break.  It happens to be during the busiest time of the year with Valentine's day and the birthdays of our three kids.  We put Sean in a sports camp to keep ourselves sane and we are glad we did.  His best friend Parker also signed up for the same camp therefore he is loving it.  Of course anything involving the word "sports" gets him excited these days. 

The girls and Noah spent a lot of time with me this week.  I made sure the girls speak more Japanese since they are home.  Saya has forgotten so much Japanese, she can't really speak well anymore.  It's sad because she and I were good Japanese speaking buddies before kindergarten.  For Alyson, since she spent a long time in Japan when she was four, it comes back quickly for her. 

Noah has been getting in plenty of troubles.  He is such a mischief, I need to come up with some kind of nickname for him like Curious Norge.  He used to be called Nora the Explore, but his naughtiness is beyond Nora.  He needs to be watched constantly otherwise he would make a huge mess.  For example, he would open the fridge and try to drink Milk out of a big jug.  He cannot lift such a heavy thing successfully, so he spills Milk all over the floor.  Or the other day, I heard some thumps coming from outside and realized Noah was tossing his things from the second floor bedroom window!  He pushed out the window screen and he was sitting on the window sill throwing things like pillows, books, stuffed animals etch... as he pleased.  Thank goodness he didn't fall!  I had to get the big stroller out to retrieve everything he dropped.  He knows it's not something he should be doing, but he might do it impulsively again for fun.  That is the challenge Mike and I face since he temporarily forgets how important it is not to do certain things. 

We just finished celebrating Alyson's birthday with her friends at home today.  Needless to say, I am exhausted!  Little girls are cute, but they can be pretty noisy and sure can make a big mess.  They are all well behaved children though.  I am impressed how well mannered they are.  I will write about her birthday party in the next post.  Did I say I am TIRED?  Let's say my eyes are bloodshot! 

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