Thursday, February 5, 2015

Super Bowl Heartache

As an Osaka native where Hanshin Tigers professional baseball team resides, I know how crazy some sports fan can get.  When Tigers won the world championship, a bunch of die hard fans jump into a dirty urban river in the heart of Osaka.  The city tints its color to yellow and black for the team and retailers jump in and have special sales in hope that the hyped fans would go on shopping spree. 

Being in Seattle during the football season reminds me of my hometown in that sense.  As the season progressed and the Seahawks improved its game, the city changed color to blue and green everywhere.  Saya's kindergarten teacher played Seahawks Uptown Funk on Youtube and the kids danced and sang every Friday morning.  That is when I volunteer so I had fun watching a bunch of five-year-olds dancing cutely.  The children of Seattle are groomed to become the 12th man, the hardcore fans who feel like they know all the players personally.  I follow several players on Instagram and Facebook and honestly, I feel like they are my little brothers or cousins.  How crazy is that!?

So, when the Seahawks made it to the Super Bowl this year again, we were ecstatic!  We were so excited, the whole two weeks after the divisional win were like a big carnival.  People wore Seahawks' jersey like uniforms and we felt very much like a big Seahawks family.  I can even say that people were nicer and friendlier to each other at stores etc...  That's how excited we were and could not wait for the team to nail another Super Bowl win again. 

The big game was a good game.  We were pretty equally matched I would say, nothing like last year's Denver Broncos.  I do not recall the details but we were winning until the fourth quarter.  Two minutes left on the clock and it seemed like that was the end of it.  Mike reminded me about the last game against the Packers.  We did make two touch downs in three minutes then.  I didn't think we could repeat the miracle win again, that was a very special thing I thought.  At two minutes left in the game, they punted and we got the ball.  Russell Wilson throws the ball and Jeremain Kearse catches it (I think) quite a distance away.  That gave us a high hope.  Maybe we can drive the ball down and make a touch down.  One miss after that, but then Russell makes a pass to Marshawn Lynch and he runs to the five yard line!  Still one minute left in the clock and we had plenty of tries left.  Wow, this is it, we are going to make a touchdown!  We all thought that all of us, even the Patriots. 

However, the terrible thing happened when Russell threw the ball for the last time.  The ball was intercepted!  The worst scenario ever!  My heart sank deep and Mike just collapsed on the couch.  We had it and we lost it...  It was the most heartbreaking football moment for all of us.  It was such a shock that it still kinda hurts to look at a picture of Seahawks' players even now.  We are still very proud of all the Hawks players because I guess the win doesn't matter so much.  We know they are capable.  The best team in the NFL!  We have a special bond with the players here since they are very community oriented people.  I mean, Russell Wilson visits sick children at Seattle Children's Hospital every week on Tuesdays.  Even this week after getting back from Arizona, he made the visit and lit up the childrens' spirit.  Richard Sherman with his big charity and it seems like almost all of them have at least one charity set up to help people in need.  I am not sure if all the other NFL teams are like that but I feel very proud of my team for using their celebrity status to do good.  That makes total sense to me and that is something I would be doing if I were famous, too.

So, it was not a easy reality to swallow, but we are stronger as a community because of Seahawks and that I feel is the real win coming out from this head banging sport.  Sean sure is hoping to become a professional football player and he told his teacher he is going to win five MVPs.  I heard another student say "it's good to dream big!" 

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