Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday, Twins!

It's hard to believe my tiny twin babies are now seven years old.  It's sad to say that their infant and baby days do seem like a long while ago.  Thank goodness for all the pictures I took.  Without them, a lot of details of their early days would have been buried deeply in my memory, never to be retrieved ever!  And... I want to commend myself for writing this blog for so long.  This blog started in wee hours of the night in-between the newborn twins' feedings.  My Mom was helping me with the twins in the morning to early afternoon, so I've decided to not sleep at all overnight instead of trying to catch a little sleep here and there.  It was a lonely time when everyone else but twins and I were sleeping.  In a dimly lit room, I fed them every few hours, burped them and changed their diapers, each round taking about an hour and half to do all.  After I settled them to the crib, I opened my laptop and started to type and I didn't feel so lonely anymore.  It has been seven years from those days and I cannot be more proud of the healthy and happy children they have become.

This year, their birthday fell on Wednesday.  On Wednesdays, I go to Noah's school to help Noah's teacher.  It worked out because I needed to drop the snacks and cupcakes off for Noah's birthday celebration at school.  I remembered last year in Mrs. Hubert's class that Noah enjoyed celebrating with friends and cake so much.  I really couldn't skip the cupcakes for him even though the current trend is making celebrations at school "healthy".   Mrs. Edwards gave me a project material for me to prepare and I got busy in the workroom right away.  I had to cut many things including nearly 100 hearts.  By the time I finished and delivered the items to the class, they'd already ate the cupcakes.  Mrs. Edwards told me he really enjoyed the birthday song and sang it himself.  I have no doubt he did that since he sings the song at home, too.  He is a funny boy.  Noah, although you are a late bloomer, I do see a lot of progress you are making.  I am your Mom and I know, so very confident, that you are going to come out of your shell very soon.  I can see it in your eyes that you are aware of things so much maybe too much and that makes you a little different from others.  I love you so much and I am so proud of you that you enjoy learning at school.  Happy 7th birthday, my baby boy!

Since I was at Noah's school, I couldn't go to Aly's class celebration.  They wouldn't allow cupcakes (they do but hint not to), so all we did was for Alyson to take some special items to share with her class.  It's a strange tradition here: the birthday person gives gifts to others.  Alyson was so excited for her birthday and she has been in such a happy mood.  She is a very smiley and happy girl to begin with, so being happier means a little bit hyper-active to say the least.  She has gotten so tall lately, she really doesn't look like a first grader.  She is taller than half of the kids in Sean's class.  Sean seems to have slowed down in growth and I started to think Alyson might pass Sean's height.  That would make Sean definitely jealous.  Alyson is determined to let her hair grow as long as she could thanks to Rapunzel.  She doesn't even want to cut her bangs.  She and Saya are best friends and I am so glad I had that last surprise baby for both of their sakes and mine.  They are so very cute together.  Alyson, you make me feel so happy with your bright smiles.  You are so pretty I like to watch you and you often ask me "what?"  I love your cute round face with sharp eyes.  You are a great artist and you inspire Saya to draw and write better.  You were the smaller one but look how big you've gotten!  Love you with all my heart!  Happy 7th birthday, my pretty girl!

Sigh... This is how I get old.  By the time they are in teens, I will be in 50s!!  Time please slow down.  My mind still thinks I am in 20s.

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