Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Dream Camera

One of my long time dream came true recently.  I bought the camera of my dreams, Canon Mark 5D Mark III with a zoom lens.  It is quite pricey and I was hesitating to buy it for the longest time.  Then Mike almost beat me to buying his new car and that is when I decided I should claim my big purchase, too (car is 10 times more of course). 

So far, I love it!  I haven't had too many chances to use it yet, but for those I took, I am very happy with it.  The focus is very sharp and the images I capture has a new dimension to it.  It's hard to describe, but you can see it in the photos.  I had a chance to do a photo shoot with a friend for her business head shots and I was quite impressed that I did not need to do much editing other than cropping.  With Rebel, I had to adjust many elements and took forever to edit. 

Now, I need to take maybe one more photography class to get more professional advice on my photos.  I learned a lot with my previous class and even was offered some professional opportunities.  There is a business and marketing class for photographers and that I am interested in taking.  I like using my senses when it comes to taking pictures and sometimes I need some hard skills to do well in business.  I am hoping I learned those practical skills to be a successful photographer.  Being an artist is an interesting business.  In a way it is like an endurance sports.  We have to keep up with the industry but somehow stay true to ourselves and maintain our own little world.  If I start to act a bit of like a bohemian, please let me know.  That might mean I joined the professional photographer club! 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Saya's Gymnastics Party

I cannot skip writing about Saya's birthday party on May 2 at her Gymnastics place.  I thought about having her party at home, but I've decided to treat her and friends for a good time with a gymnastics themed birthday party.  She invited all her girl classmates to the party.  We were only allowed to bring 16 friends, hence only girls.  I am sure the boys would have had a good time, too. 

The party lasted for an hour and half and the first 60 minutes were spent running around, playing games, learning some gym moves etc... The kids were red cheeked, giggly and were having a very good time.  Saya was showing off some of her gym moves and looked very content.  Our neighbor friend, Henry, who is eight entertained the girls with his silliness and the girls were going wild.  Life is quite simple for a little six years-olds!  Sean was glad to have a boy playmate, too, so I am glad Henry was able to come. 

The last 30 minutes were food and cake time.  I didn't bake her a cake this year since I was very busy.  The school has so many events in May and I was quite overwhelmed by everything.  Since I anticipated many children, I ordered a big sheet cake from Costco.  It happened that some children couldn't make it and some of them didn't even want to eat it, we had a big left over.  Mike was happy about it and I gave some away to the neighbors. 

The preparation was stressful as usual, but I am glad Saya had a nice birthday party.  I go back and forth about having a party at home and at a venue.  While it is easier to have a party at the venue, I still feel the party at home is more personal.  I get to chat with the parents more, too, if I have it at home.   So, I think I will have a home party next year.  I was very impressed with the service the gym class provided though.  They made sure the kids are having fun and stay safe.  Some little guests told me when I saw them at school that they had so much fun at the party.  Our little princess will remember the day for years to come, I am sure!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Saya's 6th Birthday

Saya is now officially six!  Her baby days do feel like a long time ago since she is a tall and independent little girl, but she is still my baby girl.  When I told her that she will always be my baby, she came over to me and softly whispered in my ear slowly "every day".  She knows how to melt my heart.  The youngest always seems to know. 

Due to the schedule of the party place, we held her birthday party on May 2.  On her actual birthday, I went to school and took 24 birthday cupcakes and 24 mini chopsticks to give as gifts to the children.  Every child look forward to celebrating his or her birthday in the class.  Saya looked very happy and a bit shy about her birthday.  When she saw me coming in, she smiled shyly and the other children got excited since they get to sing a birthday song and eat a treat.  I think the kids in Saya's class are especially cute this year.  I've volunteered in Aly's kindergarten class, too, but somehow the children in Saya's group are friendlier and act like they like me :-)

There are some boys who are restless and too quick with mouth.  They always get in trouble by Miss Lowy and usually sit in a different spot than rest of the class.  They are though unique and bright little boys and I enjoy talking to them.  Then there are those cute kids with babyish voices who are friendly with big kid gestures.  They make me smile every time I see them.  There are some sweet ones who always hug me and act like I just made their day.  You can see why I enjoy volunteering at school.  I really like getting to know each children and maybe give them encouragement during the short time we spend together. 

Anyway, I am a queen off going off the track... After school, Nana came over and we had some cupcakes (again) and opened presents.  Saya received many gifts and she said she loved everything that were given to her.  She was a very happy brand new 6 year-old by the end of the day.  My sweet little baby girl is getting so big.  A bright future awaits you, little Saya!  You bring joy and laughter to all of us.  Happy 6th Birthday!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Mommy!!

I celebrated my 40 something birthday in early April with my family.  I was unfortunately very ill with bronchitis and Alyson, Sean and Mike were also sick with the equal or worse conditions.  All I wanted to do was to rest and get better.  My Mom was here with us, so it was very special regardless.

What can I say, I am getting old!  I was a careless 20 something until just a while ago.  After getting married, everything went by so fast.  When I moved to Australia, I was only 28 and when I came back, I was 31.  We lived in sunny California for two years and moved to Washington at 33 with Sean in my belly.   After juggling motherhood with a full-time job, I became pregnant with twins and gave birth to Aly and Noah when I was 35.  When the twins were six month old, I fell pregnant again with Saya and gave birth to her about a month after turning 37.  I briefly went back to work with the help of Amy, our nanny, but left work at 38 when we discovered Noah's diagnosis of Autism. 

Everything after that is just a blur.  Five years of blur.  Our children grew and learned a lot, so that is a good indication of how we spent the past five years.  There are times I am not proud of myself like this morning when I yelled at Sean for misbehaving.  The maturity and patience are my weakness when it comes to raising my children.  I am an artist type who goes by feelings.  I would say "something isn't right" and analyze what it is. That doesn't work well with kids and my husband alike and I realized I have a lot to learn.  Despite my imperfections, the children and hubby love me.  It is amazing how forgiving they are! 

My goal for this year is getting fit.  I am getting into yoga now and seriously aiming to become a decent yogi.  I dislike not being good at something I like.  With the help from my friend/my teacher, I am getting more flexible and stronger.  It may take time but I think I might be able to the difficult poses down the road.  Strong body with good energy flow will keep me healthy physically and mentally.  Yoga is probably the least likely activity I would have chosen, but that makes me feel even more determind to challenge and conquer!

So, in a nutshell, I had a very good birthday.  My wonderful mother-in-law spoiled us with a delicious Italian meal a week after my birthday.  I was able to see her best friend, Karen, again who was visiting from North Carolina, too.  Everyone sang me the Happy Birthday song but the only problem was the candle said 46!  I loved the ice cream cake very much, but excuse me, I am not 46 yet!  They shrugged off saying "oh we couldn't find any other candles" and left me without a speech.  Well, I will be 46 soon anyway!! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Thank you Grandma Marie

On April 9, we lost an amazing person whom we called Grandma Marie.  She was Mike's grandmother, Bob's mother.  She was 94 years old.  She was injured on March 19 from a bad fall at her home and although she became stable, she never recovered.  Mike was able to see her on that weekend in Boise and we are glad he drove down to see her.  She was able to see all her grandchildren that weekend and I am sure that meant a lot to her.   She was amazing because she was so graceful and witty even in her ripe age of 90s.  She lived by herself in a small condo in Boise, which she kept immaculately neat and clean.  When she came to visit us in Seattle, she never was sitting down.  She cleaned up the kitchen, picked off things from the floor, talked to the great-grandchildren... she was the perfect guest.  She enjoyed drinking Manhattan and ice like a boss in late afternoon.  Those are the things I will remember about her. Her neatly curled hair and stylish clothes represented her spruce character.  She was a rare gem. Grandma Marie, thank you so much for accepting me as your granddaughter-in-law.  I really enjoyed talking to you and learned a lot from you.  I am sorry you were not able to attend Sam's wedding physically, but I know you will be there in spirit.  That is how my grandmother attended my wedding.  Life takes sudden unexpected turn sometimes but I know you took your fate gracefully.  I want to age like you when I grow old.  I miss hearing your soft voice and seeing your kind smiles.  It was very nice to be able to spend the past 18 years knowing you.   Good bye Grandma Marie...