Thursday, May 28, 2015

My Dream Camera

One of my long time dream came true recently.  I bought the camera of my dreams, Canon Mark 5D Mark III with a zoom lens.  It is quite pricey and I was hesitating to buy it for the longest time.  Then Mike almost beat me to buying his new car and that is when I decided I should claim my big purchase, too (car is 10 times more of course). 

So far, I love it!  I haven't had too many chances to use it yet, but for those I took, I am very happy with it.  The focus is very sharp and the images I capture has a new dimension to it.  It's hard to describe, but you can see it in the photos.  I had a chance to do a photo shoot with a friend for her business head shots and I was quite impressed that I did not need to do much editing other than cropping.  With Rebel, I had to adjust many elements and took forever to edit. 

Now, I need to take maybe one more photography class to get more professional advice on my photos.  I learned a lot with my previous class and even was offered some professional opportunities.  There is a business and marketing class for photographers and that I am interested in taking.  I like using my senses when it comes to taking pictures and sometimes I need some hard skills to do well in business.  I am hoping I learned those practical skills to be a successful photographer.  Being an artist is an interesting business.  In a way it is like an endurance sports.  We have to keep up with the industry but somehow stay true to ourselves and maintain our own little world.  If I start to act a bit of like a bohemian, please let me know.  That might mean I joined the professional photographer club! 

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