Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Kids

Sean playing on hay
Alyson exploring the pumpkin patch while Saya naps in the stroller in the background.

Sean could not decide which pumpkin to take home

Noah examining the scene

Sweet Aly

Twins were so excited to explore a field with hundreds of bright orange pumpkins!
With Mommy (grabbing all of the kids so they can be in the picture)

With Daddy
We adopted three pumpkins!
On Sunday, we took the kids to the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins for this Halloween. We've decided to return to the pumpkin patch in Kirkland this year, too, because it is more convenient. It was a bright and sunny day with crisp blue sky, a perfect day to take a visit to the farm. It's relatively early in the season to acquire pumpkins and there were lots and lots of pretty pumpkins laying around asking us to take them home, not just the left over pumpkins we normally get near the end of Oct. It was such a treat to see the beautiful colors of the nature - the bluest blue sky, shiny orange of the pumpkins and the lively green of the field. Unfortunately, we forgot to insert the battery in the camera and were only able to take photos with our phones, so the photos do not show the true colors, but I think you can get the idea.

The first thing Sean said when we arrived there was that he wanted to see the scarecrow. We were surprised that he remembered it from last year because he was only 2 1/2 years old and we have not visited or talked about this place at all. This boy really has amazing memory!
It was Noah and Aly's second time, but of course they were still little last year. This time around, they were walking around and very much curious about the pumpkins. Saya was sleeping in the stroller and let us know when she was bored by squealing. I can only imagine what she will be doing next year!

1 comment:

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

I CANNOT believe Saya is 5 mths! Good grief where does the time go? The kiddos are adorable. I havent been on the board in months, who has the time??? The twins are sick too, it has wrecked havoc on our sleeping. Im so hopeful we will sleep tonight!