Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cute things kids do these days

Before I forget forever, I wanted to record the cute things the Campbell kids do these days.
He loves the movie Wall-E, the story about a robot who is the sole survivor on earth after the humans moved out. One of the characters in the movie says "I don't want to survive, I want to live!" and Sean tells us sometimes "I want to live, Mommy! (or Daddy)".
Yesterday as he sat and ate his snack at the dining room table, he asked me to sing a song. I sang a song from his favorite TV show, Okasan to Issho, and he kept asking for more songs. I kept singing and singing and his eyes started to blink slower and slower and he was falling asleep. It was so cute to know that my singing voice is very soothing for him still, just like when he was a baby.
I bought a Speedo one piece swim suite at Costco the other day. It came on a clear plastic female torso and I had it on the floor in my bedroom. Sean found it and he picked it up, holding up with his two little hands on the breasts and asked Mike and I "What is this?"
While at speech therapy yesterday, Noah was terrified of this school bus toy the therapist showed him. Even though he was scared of it, he wanted to play with it so badly that he would push it a little and then ran as far away as he can go. He did that several times and then wanted a big hug from me afterwards.
I took the pictures above tonight and showed them to Noah on the preview screen. He pointed at the picture of Saya and then looked at real Saya sitting next to him and was giggling away.
She really studies my facial expressions these days. When she does something bad, I just have to look at her with a dead serious face. Sometimes she gets so scared of my serious face, she sticks her lower lip out and starts to cry. I guess it may be mean of me to think that's cute and sometimes I exaggerate to see her reaction. It's really cute. I guess I should not torture her like that!
She participates in the dinner conversations now. Well, conversation involving "daaa", "whaaa", "mamamama" kind of thing. Sean giggles, Aly joins in and then Saya starts to laugh, too.
She's a Mama's girl. When someone else is holding her, her eyes are fixed on me and when I move her eyes follow. I am so honored to be her favorite person.
She says "mamama" a lot around me. I think she really means me. She says "dada
da", too, to Mike. I think she's going to be ok for speech. Phew!
She's a socks eater. If I don't put slippers on her, she yanks them off right away.
Her scooting motion is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Reminds me of what my friend's puppy used to do to her pillow!
Lastly, Saya falling asleep while nursing is the CUTEST moment of all! She looks so peaceful and we fit perfectly. I hope I remember this feeling for a long long time.

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