Monday, February 22, 2010

New Man Noah

Alyson wanted to wear Mommy's jacket
Saya has cute warm smiles
Do you like my new hair do?

Aly likes to "change diaper"

So, Noah got a haircut on Saturday at Daddy's barber. We'd decided that we cut his hair after he turns two. I was procrastinating it because I loved his long hair, but he recently started to chew on his hair for fun and I've decided to take him in. I took Alyson with me and she was being pretty cute at the barber. There was another little boy getting his haircut and he was crying. She stood in front of the the crying boy and looked really concerned. She was pretty much making rounds making sure everyone's ok then on. All the men thought she was adorable.

Noah did fine. He was wiggly at first and I thought I might have to take him home with one side chopped, but he tolerated it fine. He had this serious look on him the whole time though as if he's one grumpy customer. In the end, we have a little man - won't be mistaken as a girl twin anymore. He's all boy and looks the part!

Miss Saya is clapping consistently now. I ask her to clap her hands and she does it most of the time. She also started to point at things and I like looking at her little chubby fingers making the gesture. I bought this night light from Target that is shaped like a bear and she likes to point at it. In fact she loves it so much, she refuses to nurse and wants to look at it instead. That is the first thing she looks for when we go into our bedroom. Very cute.

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