Friday, February 5, 2010

Single Parent Night

I got a text message from Mike this evening.
6:35pm Mike: I'm having drinks
Me: I thought you have appointment with Dr. Chris.
Mike: Cancelled
Well, from then on I realized that I need to take care of all four children tonight all by myself. I was very reluctant, but there was no easy way out. I just had to do it. I fed all four children, bathed two of them, brushed their teeth, read them stories, nursed Saya and bounced her for a bit and tucked all four of them in by myself. It wasn't easy but it's all done now. And the husband of mine who's trying his best to be sweet to me (which makes me even more annoyed) came back at 10 pm.
Kids had fun playing outside after Sean came home. Even Saya sat and watched them play. The weather has been quite warm in recent days. Sean likes to look for mushrooms growing on the lawn. He finds a big one and says that it's Daddy mushroom and the little one is Saya mushroom. Aly was trying to ride the tricycle, but was not able to push the pedals yet. Noah wanted to ride Sean's bike, but Sean wouldn't let him. Sean was riding around his red bicycle and would not let me help him when he gets stuck. He says that he wants to 'fix it' himself and he pushes it and pushes it, grunting. He eventually moves again and he looked so proud of himself.
In the end, I am plainly exhausted! I am proud of myself though that I pulled myself together and did everything (except for dishes and some clean ups which I happily saved for Mike to do). I should go to bed now so that I can have a decent day tomorrow!

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