Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Alyson wearing an oni mask for setsubun
Sean decorating cupcake at school

Sean with his friend and Miss Nia (on the right)

It's been raining and raining these days and I don't particularly feel like pink hearts, but we had a good Valentine's day.
On Friday, Sean's class had a cupcake decoration party so I went to see him. Apparently, they had a birthday party earlier for a student and Sean thought that I am going to attend the birthday party as well. When I showed up for the cupcake decoration party, he kind of looked mad at me. The teacher and her aids said he was asking about me a lot throughout the day. He came around though and we had a fun time together decorating a cupcake and two cookies. Miss Nia said that Sean's always smiling and does not cause problems at all. I am glad that he is doing well at school. He acts out a lot at home but at least half of a day, he spends time being a very good boy. I ought to remember that and cut him some slacks.
I baked a layered chocolate cake (I am yet to decorate it) for Valentine's Day today. I've decided to make baking my hobby, so I am going to be baking quite a bit from now on. I am also trying to diet at the same time, so I am not sure how this new hobby of mine's going to play out.
Mike is taking tomorrow off because Sean's school is out for a week. We are planning to take him out and have a Sean Day. We don't know where to take him yet but we'll come up with something fun.

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