Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jan/Nana's visit and Gluten Casien free diet!

Looking at him eating a cupcake made me feel very happy!
He didn't much care for the icing -- I need to find a way to make creamier icing without using milk.

After the cupcake, we went to Molly Moon's ice cream parlor in Wallingford. (Sean ate a milk free ice cream, but it seemed to have coffee in it and he didn't like it)
Aly eating sorbet.
Saya had her first ice cream.
Spinning around with Daddy.I took about 20 pics to get this shot!

Mike giving Nana an iPad lesson!
Finally, I am in a photo!!

Mike's Mom, Jan, Nana for kids, visited us from Minneapolis last weekend. She arrived on Thursday afternoon and left on Sunday morning. We kept her pretty busy from the time she arrived - just the usual schedule for us - and I hope she didn't get too exhausted. The kids were happy to see her and it was good to catch up with her.
The highlight probably was going on a field trip to the zoo with the entire preschool on Friday. Most children went together with one parent, but Sean was able to go with Nana and Daddy, too. That made him pretty happy. We also took the entire family to check out a gluten free bakery in Greenwood, Seattle on Saturday. Sean sat at a little table outside the bakery and savored the cupcake that doesn't contain wheat or milk product.
Mike and Jan played a lot with her new iPad. She was excited that she now knows how to use some of the apps on it. Thank you for coming Nana. It was fun having you here. We are looking forward to the next visit in the fall.
On Gluten/Casein free diet... Sean's peptide test result came back and it showed that he is highly allergic to milk and moderately allergic to wheat. Poor guy cannot eat most foods that are sold out there (except for veggies and fruits which he doesn't eat anyways). I've been studying online, visiting health food stores and stocking up on items that I've never heard of before like Safflower Oil, Sorghum Flour, Xantham Gum etc... They are quite costly, too! I found some recipes for cookies and cakes and I needed to collect all those weired sounding ingredients to bake them. It is all foreign to me. I now carefully read all the ingredients that are labeled on the package. I didn't know that even sausages contain lactose and so does Furikake, the Japanese rice sprinkle that Sean loves. I feel sad about this. I feel sad that he is not going to grow up with the same food experience as many of us do -- grabbing pizza after school, enjoying ice cream on a hot summer day etc... Sean's accepting it way better than I am. I need sometime to get used to it myself...

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