Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mother's Day and My New Resolution!

Kids like to play outside when the weather's nicer.
Aly with sand table

We took the kids to Issaquah Salmon Hatchery on Sunday
Being a mother of four is an incredible experience and I feel very grateful for the path my life has taken. I've always wondered what it would be like to have brothers and sisters and here I am watching my children grow up having three siblings. My first impression is WOW! The competition is fierce and even my little Saya's learnt to push over her brother or sister to claim the ultimate prize, my laps. Sometimes, I feel like I had them too close too soon. I would love to spend more time individually with them. However, I do feel like their bond will be stronger because they are close in age. They fight and fight, but I know they feel perfectly happy with each other's company.
I felt very happy and blessed on Mother's Day, reflecting on my life and thinking of our future together.
Mike had an interesting Mother's day though... I won't go in details but let's say he had too much fun the night before. He did give me a present though.
One gift I decided to give myself is health.
I've finally decided to be serious about losing weight and came up with a two weeks intensive plan.
It's actually very simple.
1) Run every evening
2) eat only salad and chicken for dinner
3) no unhealthy snacks
4) cut back on carbs
My plan is to lose 15 lbs. I am trying to see how much I can lose in two weeks and decide what to do next then. Running is tiring but I feel super good later!

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