Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Weather Stinks Again and dreaming of half marathon!

Nice rainy day activity!

I let the kids play in the garage. I leave the minivan doors open on both sides and kids crawls around in there like a mini jungle gym! Anything to keep them busy!
We have had a fabulous weather in upper 60s to lower 70s up until last week. When Jan left, the weather decided to go sour and we have been having a cooler and rainier days ever since. You thought it turned sunny and then it rains the next minute. I was running in the evening yesterday and was chatting with a neighbor but it started to pour and had to dash back home. Thanks to the change of weather, the three younger ones got sick. We are supposed to go see Grandpa, Shasha and Grandma Marie tomorrow, but we'll see how they are tomorrow.
It's been 11 days since I started jogging every night. I missed once last Saturday when I had a headache and then today because it started to rain when I reached Spiritridge Elementary and had to turn back. I mainly train in the trails near by. I sometimes go to Weowna Park and sometimes go to the nature trail by the new Microsoft office. Both locations have lots of hills, so they are very good places for strengthening my legs and lungs. I didn't think I enjoy it this much. I am experimenting to see how I can run a little faster as most joggers pass me and they disappear from my sight so quickly! I get a little annoyed about that but one must be patient. I only started to run a week and a half ago after a looong absence. But I did discover that if I concentrate on kicking back with my heels instead of moving my legs forward, then I can take bigger steps. I also try to swing my arms straight back and that seems to help bring my legs forward in a nice rhythm. I suppose that keeps me in a better posture, too. I have not lost much weight, only 2 lbs, but I think I will lose a lot more if I stick with it. Who knows maybe I will try out for a half marathon next year, if all goes as planned. That would be a lot of fun!!

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