Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rainy Long Weekend

Girls getting ready for lunch.

Lunch Time for Saya and Noah!
Saya with a little bow.

I am getting very big!
Sean during lunch today.

Aly enjoying watermelon.

Finally, the gloomy weather is getting to me. I had enough of this gray drizzly weather!! I deserve a sunshine at least after all I do!! Or maybe I am not doing enough? Suddenly, everything isn't going well for me. Kids spilled juice and milk three times yesterday, I dropped one of my favorite dish and broke it, Saya spits up all over her crib, Alyson's poop leaked and had to wash everything, etc... Maybe I took these incidents lightly if it were sunny outside, but boy did I take them personally!! It doesn't help that I am in a middle of low calorie diet, either. I am quite irritated that I can't run every night due to rain and even if it is not raining outside, I cannot run on my favorite trails because the path is flooded. My knees and ankle ache when I run on the pavements and I don't enjoy it as much.
My weekend started out nice with hitting the happy hour with my friend, Jen. We went to a hip Vietnamese place in old downtown Bellevue and feasted on fresh oysters and fusion dishes. I think I went crazy on them because I've been starving myself with only salad for dinner diet. The food tasted so good and I had a really good time chatting with Jen.
Saturday was a little boring and I was in a foul mood most of the time. We went to the Factoria Mall just to get out of the house and ended up exhausted chasing around Aly and Sean. We did not dare letting Noah and Saya loose, so they stayed in the stroller. We saw Hanae, Ayrie and Rion, looking so cute together. We keep running into them, Mike saw them at Mojo Sushi on Thursday.
Today was a little better, thanks to more sleep and a very special friend, Hanae. She came over with a huge beautiful bouquet of flowers just because I told her that I feel depressed over the phone! Thank you so much, Hanae-chan! The photo on the cover is the photo of the flowers. So gorgeous! We were going to have Sean's little classmate Andy and his family for a playdate in the afternoon, but unfortunately Andy's twin brothers got sick. We will set up another playdate very soon. I think things will look up from today and we will have a better week. I've decided to let myself eat more food at night other than salad and I had a very good Thai food from our favorite Thai place, Thai Chef. I did lose about 4 pounds in 3 weeks, so it's not too bad at all.


Jan Campbell said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're going to allow yourself more food, Kimi ... on the other hand, it must feel great to have lost the weight. Lots of love, Jan.

Jan Campbell said...

I hope you are feeling better by now, KImi. I'm thinking of you and wishing you well! Love, Jan.

Penny Mao said...

Saya, can climb? Gees, I can't believe it!

Tired Parents said...

Thank you, Jan. I am feeling way better. I think the food and rain were the cause!

Penny, she climbs the entire staircase by herself. She's good at falling so I have to watch out for her.