Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Update Post

I just realized that the picture above is the only photo I took last week. How did that happen? I must have been extra busy.

A new development in the Campbell's household.

Sean -We took him to the neurologist last week and the doctor told us that Sean made a great improvement and he thought that his autism symptoms might become very minimal in the next few years. Sean responded to the doctor's questions, joked about things and he initiated conversations with him with good eye contact. The doctor was impressed. We are so proud of Sean and I gave him an extra tight embrace after the appointment. It was a very good news for us - all our hard work is paying off.

Noah - He now loves to play with Saya. He initiates "conversation" with Saya by giggling at her, looking directly at her eyes. He also tries to play chase with her and he comes by her and then turn quickly towards the opposite direction. The speech therapist today said that a younger sibling who is on par in terms of developmental stage can be a great practice partner. We are excited that Noah has a playmate as he often gets left alone since Aly and Sean play together.

Alyson - She talks a lot these days and she can now express herself by words. She uses English and Japanese and she is absorbing languages like a sponge. She is going to start her preschool tomorrow and we are excited for her to take the next step. I am sure she is going to cry tomorrow when I drop her off but I am sure she will get used to the school pretty quickly.

Saya - She now says "dada", "Saya" and "mama" consistently now. She says "dada" more than the rest, but she is still a Mommy's girl. She is doing a little better in terms of sleep, but she still wakes up twice during the night. She all the sudden started to erupt four teeth on the top together and poor thing must be in pain. Maybe that's why she wakes up crying during the night. She is cruising, but not a long distance. However, she is trying to stand on her own and lets her hands go (and down she goes!) She climbed up the stairs all by herself when I left her in the basement and I guess I need to put up the gate now!

Mike and I went on another double date with the Collins on Saturday. We went to an Izakaya style restaurant in Belltown (downtown Seattle) and we ate some semi-Japanese food. It wasn't authentic Izakaya food, but it was good anyhow.

The rest of the week was all blurred now because I don't think I was in one place more than 1 minute and I am always thinking about what I should be doing next and after next.

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