Saturday, October 2, 2010

Salmon Days

Today, we went to the Salmon Days in Issaquah with Jen's family. We'd gone there once when Sean was about 7 month old with Nana. Sean was tucked into the infant carrier back then and I remembered it being slightly cold. Today was a little warmer and cloudy. A good weather to be out about. I did take a bunch of pictures of us eating, kids in stroller etc... but I just want to post the photo I took of the salmons in the river. You see the cage looking things in the back? The salmon strong enough after their journey from the ocean leap in there to get to their final destination to lay their eggs and disseminate their sperms. There are still several obstacles after that point as well and their final bits of their journey can be seen behind the glass display area. I was very moved to see their strong instinct that drive them to do what they do - fighting through fear, pain and exhaustion to preserve their specie. Sean was very curious and was watching the salmons in the river for a long time.

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