Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween at School

I volunteered to bring Halloween themed sugar cookies for Sean's class, so baked about 60 cookies! They decorated the cookies today.
Ms. Hanson leading her students during trick or treating at school.

Sean found a pumpkin at the playground.

A group picture! Erik, Sean's buddy was also Buzz. We saw a lot of Woody, too.

Sean's class at Phantom Lake had a Halloween party today. Since the party was 3 hours long and I had to bring my three younger ones, we went to the last 45 minutes when the kids went trick or treating around school . We spotted Sean's class walking down the hallway with huge grocery bags filled with candies. He smiled big when we saw us and Aly ran to him exclaiming "Sean!! Sean!!" Noah and Saya sat on the double stroller and was mesmerized by all the costumes worn by both kids and adults. Sean by now is pro at asking for candies and he politely said "thank you" loud and clear every time he got some. He didn't take any interest in candies before, but things have changed now. He has better fine motor skills, too, and able to open and eat candies freely. I have to hide them from him and send them off to Japan before he eats them all! Sean was very happy today. I think Halloween is one of his favorite events. We did not go to Microsoft campus this year because I was sure to lose a kid or two in a crowd of little ironman, bumble bees and princesses. We are looking forward to the Halloween party tomorrow and let all the kids wear their costumes. I will not reveal what they are all going to be until the next post!

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