Monday, April 11, 2011

My Mom's Here!

Grandma in action, helping Saya eat.
Sean and grandma - playing market.
Alyson and grandma - happy together.Noah got a hair cut the other day. I can't decide if he looks like a girl even more so or not. He's cute though.

My Mom arrived last Sunday (3/27) and it feels as if she's always have been here all along. The children, especially Sean, has been very happy to have grandma here and has not stopped being chatty and sweet all week. Noah took a little time to get used to her again, but now he wants to be held by her. Alyson and Saya have been entertaining grandma saying funny things and being cute. Aly learned new songs from her and can sing them very well now.

Grandma is the busiest person in the house, cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids and doing diapering duties. Mike and I are so grateful for all the help she provides because one pair of hardworking hands certainly make things easier for us. I do want to be like her and be there for my children when I become a grandma someday, but she is setting the bar pretty high! I have to keep up with my exercise in order to stay energetic like her.

Cute moments:
Sean - For the first two mornings since she arrived, Sean woke up and went downstairs looking for her saying "Grandma?" as if to make sure she is still here.
He loves to cuddle with her. One morning, my Mom wrapped him in a blanket and they sat together giggling.
After his bath he asked Mike "can you wrap me in the towel like a burrito so that I can show grandma?"
Noah - He's been a a little sick for the past few days (again!) and he sat with grandma, clinging to her more like for a long time and didn't want to be let go.

Alyson - She gets tricked into eating more since grandma makes eating fun. Grandma praises Saya when she eats her veggies, so Aly wants to eat more, too. She would proudly show my Mom the empty bowl when she finishes eating. The big smile on her face is just priceless!

Saya - She says "grandma!" randomly and loudly so my Mom has to stay alert and be at little princess' service any time.   My Mom thinks Saya is the funniest thing.  She smiles big at grandma with crinkled nose showing off her emerging canines.  I did the PJ test on my Mom and she passed although she struggled a bit.  I did the same to my Dad when he was here in January.  It's a test to see how much the subject struggles putting a PJ on Saya.  Saya usually puts up a good fight! 

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