Monday, May 30, 2011

Camano Island

I am a little ashamed to say that I'd never heard of Camano Island before. In such a short drive from my house, there exist a beautiful island with all natural vacation ambiance! On Sunday, Sean, Aly and I drove with the Collins to Camano Island to have a picnic and enjoy the beach. The weather was perfect, not breezy and not too warm, and we enjoyed the ocean air and good food Jen made. There were teenage boys playing frisbee game, other families enjoying hamburgers and desserts at the park and the time passed peacefully at much slower pace than usual. I enjoy outing like this and so did the kids. After the yummy sandwich, pasta salad and fruit salad, we headed down to the beach. The children quickly positioned themselves to throw rocks in the water. After they got bored with it, they started to collect seashells and explore the logs. Kevin had a good nap under the canopy and I bet it was very relaxing listening to the waves. We had a really good day thanks to the Collins. I am looking forward to exploring other areas close by this summer with family.

On the sad note, Mike's grandmother, Audrey, is not feeling well and Mike flew out to see her last night.  His brother, Aaron, is there, too, and they are having a quiet family time together.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mr. A's Birthday Party!

Mr. A was Sean's classmate last year at Phantom Lake preschool.  He is the first one of his preschool buddies to turn six and he invited the entire family to his party at YMCA last weekend.  Six is going to be the new hot number in my house since Sean is already envious and nervous about turning six.  It seems to me that after turning six, the children's growth goes into the fast forward mode.  I mean, there is seven, eight and before we know it they are ten!  A part of me wants to keep my kids five and under, however I do want to retire someday and buy a two person kayak for Mike and I!

The kids had fun at Mr. A's birthday party.  I wish I had taken pictures of their cupcakes and cute Mr. Potato Head popsicle style cake.  They were adorable!  Maybe I will venture out of QFC cakes next year and do something fun like them!  Mr. A was very cute with a big smile as we were singing the happy birthday song.  It's one of my favorite moments, seeing a pure joy in their faces.  Soon, their smiley face become obligatory grin and they won't let us put a party hat on them...  I guess we should enjoy it while we can!  Thanks for inviting us to the party! 
Aly first licks the entire frosting and then work on the cake part.  Sean does the same!

Saya dived in as usual and got her face all messy! 

Noah was the messiest and ate two and a half cupcakes!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rainy Spring

Jason, the lawn guy, says it's the wettest spring he's ever seen in recent years.  It's no fun for this mother of four and her four little cubs since we've been longing for more sunshine since the summer ended prematurely last year.  We did have some sunshine last week though and we took an advantage of them with lots of plays outside. 

A few new accomplishments in the Campbell's house hold:

Noah - when we were out playing on the deck, he rode on the trike Aly likes to ride and pedaled some!  He's never pedaled before and I am so glad he is interested in riding a trike!

Sean - he has been accident free at night for quite some time now.  He goes to use the restroom all by himself at night and goes back to bed.

Alyson - she can read hirakana very well now.  Her teacher at school says she is doing very well and we are very proud of her!

Saya - she combines two words now to tell us what she wants to say.  She tells us before she does poo poo, but hasn't actually done it yet.  This is not really an accomplishment but she is scared of bugs.  A tiny tiny bug crawling makes her scream for her dear life.  She also doesn't like anything "dirty".  She demands a dirty spot cleaned before she goes near it.  I remember Sean and Aly going through that stage. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

A weekend surprise and crazy Monday

Girls playing with the toys that were in the goodie bags from the party.

Aly's eyes look funny in this photo.

I forgot what she was saying... but the girls had Udon for lunch.

Saya exploring the front yard.

She could work for UPS.

She spotted some crows.

She was checking out my garden - the veggie family is growing but I have lots of space still.

Someone messed up my cucumber plant in right bottom.  I could see a footstep of something, possibly a dear near it (or could be one of my kids).

We had a relatively mellow weekend and the only thing planned was attending Aly's friend, Carina's birthday party. Unfortunately, I forgot to take my camera, so I cannot share any scenes from the party. Carina's Mom did a very good job organizing the party. She has an eye for design and made the set up very beautiful with butterflies, fairies, pastel confettis and cute girly cupcakes. Maybe I will seek her advice for next year's kids' parties!

Going to the party itself is no surprise, however something happened there while we were there. So, there were a bunch of Japanese Moms at the party. They were all nice and had fun getting to know them. When we moved to the play area (the party was at Shoreline YMCA), I spotted another Japanese Mom carrying an infant in a front carrier whom I haven't spoken to yet. So, I inched towards her to introduce myself. She looked at me and said "you are from Osaka, right?" Well, that's not an unusual question because I do have an Osaka accent and that is very obvious. But then she proceeded to ask "you went to Baika High School, right?" and then that's when it clicked. She was my classmate from Baika Junior High and Senior High School (private school, so everyone stayed together for 6 years)! At that point, I grabbed her hands and jumped up and down like a school girl. We both could not believe that we were standing there in a same room in Shoreline, WA. I hadn't seen her for 21 years since graduation. She told me that she thought she had seen me at a park in Bellevue before but considering the odds of meeting a childhood friend from Japan in a random city in America, she didn't ask. It turns out, she moved with her husband to Bellevue in 2005 and lives in Newcastle (S Bellevue). Well, Mike and I also moved here in 2005 and we live in southeast Bellevue. So, we live pretty close, too. We will have to get together and do a major catch up!

The birthday party was the highlight, but we also had a good time on Saturday at Redmond Farmer's Market. The big tulip blossoms of various colors were so beautiful, I wish I had pick them up. I got some vegetable plants at one of the vendors and the cash ran out quickly... I finally was able to buy chard plants and sweet onions. I am looking forward to planting them very soon. The weather was gorgeous up until Sunday evening. I was wondering how the warm sunny day could turn sour, but it did. We were stuck in a traffic that reminded me of I-580 in California when it started to pour and me and the girls were pretty miserable for an hour and half! We had a pretty good weekend and looking forward to more warm and sunny day!

The photos were taken today (Monday) and the crazy part was, Alyson's behavior.  She was just extremely cranky and was not cooperative!  I kept asking her what is the matter with her and she wouldn't say.  I wonder if she is getting sick.  She fell asleep in the car after dropping Sean off at Lakeside in Issaquah and she was inconsolable after waking up.  I'd never seen her like that and I was very puzzled.  Saya was a happy girl today and was being very cute.  She talks a lot and it's fun listening to what she is saying.  She insisted of wearing her pink cap outside and she chose to wear a brown blazer and brown pants (with a brown pair of boots).  She looked cute regardless of unusual clothing choice!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day

Sean and Daddy reading the story board at the trail.

Sean and Aly got into the story.

The moss on the tree were very pretty, kind of like in the Twilight movies.  What happened to team Jacob? 

Saya and Noah were entertained, too, and didn't complain being in the stroller.

The quest ended when we found the pretzel tree!
I think this is a perfect Mother's Day portrait.  It describes my current life very well (used as a cushion, but with unusually firm hands to keep everything together!)

I woke up to a cheerful voice saying "Happy Mother's Day!" and found Sean and Daddy with a tray dressed with four giant breakfast burritos and orange juice. The last time when I had breakfast in bed was after I gave birth to Saya at the hospital, so it was a very nice surprise. The burritos had eggs, bacon and lettuce inside with cesar salad like dressing. They were very good! I am guessing that the recipe called for four small tortillas but what we had were bigger tortillas, hence the hungry man size. They gave me three cards, one from Mike, the other from Sean (with a drawing of my face - sort of), and the last one from the other kids. It was very sweet. Mike let me 'sleep in' in part because Saya had a rough night and she also slept in with me in bed. She likes to sleep like a puppy, loves to be on top of me or tightly pressed against me. I guess she still is like a baby!

After breakfast, I had a shower and we just hanged out in the house. We didn't feel pressured to do anything for a while, just relaxing and playing together. We need more time like that. It seems like we are always in a rush to get something done. Saya, still a little tired from being wide awake at 4 am, fell asleep on my chest as I was holding her on the couch. That was very sweet. I held her for a long time pretending that she is still a little baby. She will always be my baby. My sweet little Saya!

After lunch, kids finally got antsy to do something. So, we decided to check out the so called "Issaquah Alps" and headed out for a family hike. We picked Squak Mountain this time and found a little trail with cute interactive story boards about a field mouse looking for pretzel tree in the woods. We put Noah and Saya in the double stroller and Aly and Sean ran around looking for the story boards. They were very much into the story and had a lot of fun looking for pretzel tree, too. At the climax of the story, a forest animal told the field mouse to turn around and find the pretzel tree, so we all turned around looking up at several trees standing in front of us. Sean had a big smile on his face with excitement. We didn't know what to look for but... there it was! We found a tree with two trunks twisted like a pretzel. It was pretty neat. We all enjoyed the hike.

After the hike, we stopped at a fish market in Issaquah and picked up a nice sockeye.  We grilled it on a cedar plank and it turned out tender, smokey and juicy!  I think the best gift of all was that this year's Mother's Day was pretty relaxing and relatively stress free.  I enjoyed spending time with my family and felt blessed to have them in my life.  Thank you Mike for making this year's Mother's Day a day to enjoy and appreciate you and our beautiful children!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The kids today on Thursday

Today was one of those days that felt like it I was floating somewhere else and didn't give my 100% to the kids and the house.  It actually turned out less stressful and enjoyable.  The kids liked my less intense presence and they were actually more cooperative than usual.  If I could repeat it tomorrow again...  Life's not that easy, I know! 

Noah had a home ABA therapy session with Malawaina, but she was late for an hour due to a very bad traffic caused by an accident on I-90.   While Noah was in the session in the playroom downstairs, I entertained the girls upstairs with puzzles and books.  I did a load of laundry as well since Noah's diaper leaked.  Come lunch time, I hurried and fed the tots so that Noah will be ready to board the school bus on 12:18 pm.  This week is the staff appreciation week at the preschool, so I packed some books and disinfectant wipes for donation.  I cleaned up the kitchen after Noah left for school and let the girls play before Saya's nap.  The occurrence of fights are on the rise between the sisters and it seemed like there were no peace between them today. 

Saya kicked and arched back as I carried her upstairs for her nap.  I wondered if she is ready to give up napping all together as she is less willing.  But, I remembered how horrible she was yesterday with no nap, so I shrugged the idea.  I played with Aly downstairs and we also went outside briefly to check on the veggies we planted two days ago.  I covered them with chicken wire, so no animal has not eaten them yet.  The strawberry plants are not doing so well though...  Shortly afterwards, the school bus delivered Noah and Sean home.  As usual, Sean was reluctant to come inside saying he wants to play outside and Noah cried as he wanted to run to Teagan's house. 

It's Sean's soccer day, but he was pretty tired since he was wide awake giggling at 4 am this morning.  I called Jen and let her know that Sean won't be coming today.  We spent the next an hour and half playing downstairs with cars and play kitchen.  We received a package from Japan and the kids had fun playing with the new towels grandma sent them also.  They liked to be wrapped like a burrito and Sean says his is very very very very very spicy.  I put together their dinner while they were playing somewhat peacefully and served them dinner around 5:30 pm.  They were done by 6:30 pm, so we had plenty of time for a nice long bath.

It was the boys bath night, but me feeling a little out there declared everyone can join the bath.  I pulled out a bottle of bubble bath that we never use and let the kids have fun.  Of course, I had to lay down the rules:  if anyone starts to scream, splash intentionally, or pour soapy water on someone's head, the party is over.  They were pretty good most of the time.  Our bath is not very big, so it was very crowded in there.  They did not mind it at all and for once got along great for the longest time.   I pulled them out one by one and got them ready for bed.  They were pretty tired by the time I read them the bedtime stories.  I tucked Sean in last and I told him "We will play tomorrow together," as I closed the door.  He then said "We will play tomorrow together, too," and that's how I knew he really is tired and ready to shut his eyes.  He repeats the same thing we say as we close his door if he is ready to sleep.

I straightened the kitchen after that and here I am sitting and typing my blog. 
Wait, where is Mike? 
He is celebrating Cinco de Mayo with his friends from work.  He was supposed to come home at 8:00 pm, but apparently he is having too much fun!  I am hoping I have a little more spring breezy attitude left in me when I see him tomorrow morning. 

Saya trying out Malawaina's high heels.

Saya is a baby burrito!

Sean has the most genuine looking smile!

Sean got some soap in his eyes.

A little crowded but 4 is more fun!
So, this was my day in a nutshell!

The Girls...

My two girls are inseparable now. The first thing Saya says these days when she wakes up is "Aly?" , "Where is Aly?" Alyson is terribly bored when Saya is napping and sometimes tries to intentionally wake her up. They are very cute together, but they do fight quite a bit. I have to break fights between them about ten times everyday. I grew up having no disagreements (except with my parents) at home, so I am intrigued that this is how children with siblings learn to express themselves and resolve conflicts! I have to remind myself that the fights between siblings are normal and the kids will make the same mistakes over and over again. I just have to be consistent with explanations and consequences so that eventually the kids would get it. I am glad that the girls like to play with each other and enjoy each other's company. It's fun to have two girls close in age (only 14 months apart). I can't wait till I move Saya in with Alyson so that we can set up the girls' bedroom with pink and yellow! 

Something to remember:
After dropping Noah and Sean off at Lakeside for therapies in Issaquah, I took the girls to the used baby and children's goods store.  I thought if they have a cheap used tricycle, I would buy one for Saya.  There was a yellow tricycle displayed outside (there was no avoiding...) and the price tag was $50!  I told Saya that I am not going to buy a $50 used trike and she threw a major, glass-cracking tantrum then!  So, I told Alyson that I can't go inside the store because Saya is throwing a tantrum and then Aly started to throw one, too.  Oh, boy.  I had two uncontrollable screaming children with me and I stood there at loss.  I told them that I can't go to the grocery store, either, because they are very loud.  That didn't help.  They wailed even more, so I had to put those uncooperative children in the car and went home.  I asked Mike to bring home some take outs because I couldn't buy ingredients for dinner.  That was a lot of fun. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Socceroo Sean

The lessons are in indoor field, which is super nice!

Sean and Parker showing off their team shirts.

"I love playing soccer!"
Sean started soccer on Thursdays with his best pal Parker.  They used to have a playdate on every Thursdays but now they both take soccer together!  Jen is nice enough to take Sean to the lessons, so I don't have to worry about hauling everyone to the class.  That makes things very easy for me and Sean loves riding along with Parker and his little brother Xander.  So far he enjoys soccer.  I guess he almost made a goal the other day and he was very proud of it.  He has no issues with pressures that often comes with team sports as yet, so it's all about pure fun for him.  All we know is that he falls asleep much faster on Thursday nights.  Mike said one time Sean was bouncing around on bed and when Mike looked down to turn the very first page of the bedtime story, he found Sean fast asleep.  I would like to have seen that in slow motion!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mommy's Races

I've been running on and off for the last few years after recovering from the childbirth.  I've never considered myself as a serious runner and I am definitely not one (as yet).  But lately, I've been throwing myself into short distance races thanks to Mike and my friend, Jen.  Jen's Parker's Mommy and also getting into the quest of becoming in better shape like me.  Jen and I had our second race together yesterday in Top Pot Doughnut 5K around Greenlake.  The first race was just a couple of weeks ago in Bellevue.  I've done pretty well for not training, but I have a lot of room left to improve.  My time in Bellevue was 33 minutes, if I remember it correctly, and 31 minutes this time around.  I do take the numbers seriously as I can be a sour loser, so I am considering training more seriously now that I have done two races.   If only this rain goes away!   Yesterday was quite gorgeous in 60s and I felt pretty warm running.  The sunshine didn't last though and it was a depressingly drizzly day today!

I've also been attending the YMCA's Bollywood class every week for more three months now. I know all the moves and I don't look silly anymore. It's fun and an hour passes by so fast. I like it because it also focuses on posture and stretching. With all the activities I am doing from chasing kids to exercising, I lost a lot of weight. I now weigh lighter than when I was in college in Boise. Some people say I look sickly skinny, but I am not anorexic. Poor woman is exhausted everyday taking care of four children... they assume. Well, that's true in a sense, but it's just that my body frame is small and I have low muscle tone to begin with. So, I may look like I have no ounce of energy left in me, but it's the opposite! I am doing another race again at the end of May and then one on Mike's birthday, which we plan to put all four kids in two double strollers and run! Crazy stuff~

I did not let those two people pass me at the end.  I sprinted like there is no tomorrow.

Sean and Mike came to cheer me on.  It was nice to see them standing by the finish line.  Whole a lot of people were watching us and it reminded me of exiting the international terminal at the airport and seeing all those people looking at me.

Jen and I are racing buddies!

After the race, we took Sean around the city for a mini Sean, Mommy and Daddy day.  We went to have lunch at this Taiwanese breakfast place in Chinatown.  It was very good!

We stopped at Starbucks in the city for a refreshment.  Sean had his organic apple juice and Mommy had her green tea.  Who knows what they were talking about??

Zoo Trip from School

Phantom Lake preschool had an excursion trip to the zoo on 4/22, so Mike and I joined Sean and Noah and off we went to have a good time at the zoo.  Aly and Saya had school that day, so Amy came in and took care of the girls' pick up and lunch.  Mike took Noah and Sean to the zoo and I joined them after dropping the girls off at their school. 

It was supposed to be a sunny day in near 60s, but the forecaster was wrong and Mike and I were shivering in our light jackets.  Luckily, the boys had their winter coat on, so they were warm (however, they did get sick the next day!)  When I first spotted them by the entrance, the boys were looking at a free-roaming peacock.  The peacock was in a middle of circle, looking around and pecking at some food on the ground.  Occasionally, he puffed up his feathers and showed off his pretty tail.  Sean was impressed but he learned that the peacock was trying to scare us off by making himself look bigger. 

Soon after I joined them, it was the lunch time.  We gathered in a field next to their famous carousel and had a very cold picnic.  We chatted with other parents and the teachers.  I spotted Ms. Elizabeth, Noah's teacher, and she told me that Noah has several favorite songs they sing and very eager to get to their treasure box, full of little figures and toys given to the students for rewards.  I am glad to know that he is participating in activities and getting used to the routine.  I need to do more check in with her to find out how Noah is doing in the class. 

After lunch, we went to see more animals.  Sean liked looking at the jaguars as they are his favorite animal (he likes the baby jaguar from Diego).  Noah liked little animal statues they had and didn't want to part from them.  Noah had to spend most of the time in the stroller since he would just rather take off and find more interesting things to pat at.  There were a lot of kids from different schools and it was crowded for a weekday.  Sean did a good job staying with us and making sure he can see us.   A year ago, we probably would have easily lost him since he impulsively took off.  So, it was really nice to know the boy is able to control himself more and stay safe.

Apart from being cold, we had a very good day at the zoo. Noah will have another zoo trip next year, but that was it for Sean... He is going to be in the kindergarten next year! There will be tons of more field trips in the future, but these first zoo trips from school are pretty special.

The peacock

Having lunch with friends and the teacher (on the very right).

Sean and his friends had a fun ride on a carousel.

Taking a rest as we walked a lot!

Noah really liked this little fox (?) statue.