Thursday, May 5, 2011

The kids today on Thursday

Today was one of those days that felt like it I was floating somewhere else and didn't give my 100% to the kids and the house.  It actually turned out less stressful and enjoyable.  The kids liked my less intense presence and they were actually more cooperative than usual.  If I could repeat it tomorrow again...  Life's not that easy, I know! 

Noah had a home ABA therapy session with Malawaina, but she was late for an hour due to a very bad traffic caused by an accident on I-90.   While Noah was in the session in the playroom downstairs, I entertained the girls upstairs with puzzles and books.  I did a load of laundry as well since Noah's diaper leaked.  Come lunch time, I hurried and fed the tots so that Noah will be ready to board the school bus on 12:18 pm.  This week is the staff appreciation week at the preschool, so I packed some books and disinfectant wipes for donation.  I cleaned up the kitchen after Noah left for school and let the girls play before Saya's nap.  The occurrence of fights are on the rise between the sisters and it seemed like there were no peace between them today. 

Saya kicked and arched back as I carried her upstairs for her nap.  I wondered if she is ready to give up napping all together as she is less willing.  But, I remembered how horrible she was yesterday with no nap, so I shrugged the idea.  I played with Aly downstairs and we also went outside briefly to check on the veggies we planted two days ago.  I covered them with chicken wire, so no animal has not eaten them yet.  The strawberry plants are not doing so well though...  Shortly afterwards, the school bus delivered Noah and Sean home.  As usual, Sean was reluctant to come inside saying he wants to play outside and Noah cried as he wanted to run to Teagan's house. 

It's Sean's soccer day, but he was pretty tired since he was wide awake giggling at 4 am this morning.  I called Jen and let her know that Sean won't be coming today.  We spent the next an hour and half playing downstairs with cars and play kitchen.  We received a package from Japan and the kids had fun playing with the new towels grandma sent them also.  They liked to be wrapped like a burrito and Sean says his is very very very very very spicy.  I put together their dinner while they were playing somewhat peacefully and served them dinner around 5:30 pm.  They were done by 6:30 pm, so we had plenty of time for a nice long bath.

It was the boys bath night, but me feeling a little out there declared everyone can join the bath.  I pulled out a bottle of bubble bath that we never use and let the kids have fun.  Of course, I had to lay down the rules:  if anyone starts to scream, splash intentionally, or pour soapy water on someone's head, the party is over.  They were pretty good most of the time.  Our bath is not very big, so it was very crowded in there.  They did not mind it at all and for once got along great for the longest time.   I pulled them out one by one and got them ready for bed.  They were pretty tired by the time I read them the bedtime stories.  I tucked Sean in last and I told him "We will play tomorrow together," as I closed the door.  He then said "We will play tomorrow together, too," and that's how I knew he really is tired and ready to shut his eyes.  He repeats the same thing we say as we close his door if he is ready to sleep.

I straightened the kitchen after that and here I am sitting and typing my blog. 
Wait, where is Mike? 
He is celebrating Cinco de Mayo with his friends from work.  He was supposed to come home at 8:00 pm, but apparently he is having too much fun!  I am hoping I have a little more spring breezy attitude left in me when I see him tomorrow morning. 

Saya trying out Malawaina's high heels.

Saya is a baby burrito!

Sean has the most genuine looking smile!

Sean got some soap in his eyes.

A little crowded but 4 is more fun!
So, this was my day in a nutshell!

1 comment:

Jan said...

What a wonderful day, Kimi! Love the photos of the kids, as usual!
