Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rainy Spring

Jason, the lawn guy, says it's the wettest spring he's ever seen in recent years.  It's no fun for this mother of four and her four little cubs since we've been longing for more sunshine since the summer ended prematurely last year.  We did have some sunshine last week though and we took an advantage of them with lots of plays outside. 

A few new accomplishments in the Campbell's house hold:

Noah - when we were out playing on the deck, he rode on the trike Aly likes to ride and pedaled some!  He's never pedaled before and I am so glad he is interested in riding a trike!

Sean - he has been accident free at night for quite some time now.  He goes to use the restroom all by himself at night and goes back to bed.

Alyson - she can read hirakana very well now.  Her teacher at school says she is doing very well and we are very proud of her!

Saya - she combines two words now to tell us what she wants to say.  She tells us before she does poo poo, but hasn't actually done it yet.  This is not really an accomplishment but she is scared of bugs.  A tiny tiny bug crawling makes her scream for her dear life.  She also doesn't like anything "dirty".  She demands a dirty spot cleaned before she goes near it.  I remember Sean and Aly going through that stage. 

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