Monday, May 2, 2011

Zoo Trip from School

Phantom Lake preschool had an excursion trip to the zoo on 4/22, so Mike and I joined Sean and Noah and off we went to have a good time at the zoo.  Aly and Saya had school that day, so Amy came in and took care of the girls' pick up and lunch.  Mike took Noah and Sean to the zoo and I joined them after dropping the girls off at their school. 

It was supposed to be a sunny day in near 60s, but the forecaster was wrong and Mike and I were shivering in our light jackets.  Luckily, the boys had their winter coat on, so they were warm (however, they did get sick the next day!)  When I first spotted them by the entrance, the boys were looking at a free-roaming peacock.  The peacock was in a middle of circle, looking around and pecking at some food on the ground.  Occasionally, he puffed up his feathers and showed off his pretty tail.  Sean was impressed but he learned that the peacock was trying to scare us off by making himself look bigger. 

Soon after I joined them, it was the lunch time.  We gathered in a field next to their famous carousel and had a very cold picnic.  We chatted with other parents and the teachers.  I spotted Ms. Elizabeth, Noah's teacher, and she told me that Noah has several favorite songs they sing and very eager to get to their treasure box, full of little figures and toys given to the students for rewards.  I am glad to know that he is participating in activities and getting used to the routine.  I need to do more check in with her to find out how Noah is doing in the class. 

After lunch, we went to see more animals.  Sean liked looking at the jaguars as they are his favorite animal (he likes the baby jaguar from Diego).  Noah liked little animal statues they had and didn't want to part from them.  Noah had to spend most of the time in the stroller since he would just rather take off and find more interesting things to pat at.  There were a lot of kids from different schools and it was crowded for a weekday.  Sean did a good job staying with us and making sure he can see us.   A year ago, we probably would have easily lost him since he impulsively took off.  So, it was really nice to know the boy is able to control himself more and stay safe.

Apart from being cold, we had a very good day at the zoo. Noah will have another zoo trip next year, but that was it for Sean... He is going to be in the kindergarten next year! There will be tons of more field trips in the future, but these first zoo trips from school are pretty special.

The peacock

Having lunch with friends and the teacher (on the very right).

Sean and his friends had a fun ride on a carousel.

Taking a rest as we walked a lot!

Noah really liked this little fox (?) statue.

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