Monday, April 9, 2012

Down with cold

Alyson came down with a bad cold and missed a few days of school.  She had high fever and all she could do was lay down on the couch.  I would give her a fever reducer, but the fever didn't come down.  After four days of trying to mend at home, I took her in to the doctors.  She had a mild ear infection, so the doctor prescribed her an antibiotics.  That did wonders!  She was feeling much better from the next day and recovered by the time she was ready to leave for Japan. 

In the meanwhile, I got sick with severe sore throat and mild fever.  It was painful to eat or drink anything and it was getting worse everyday.  I finally turned myself in to the doctor's and he gave me the same antibiotics Aly took.  I felt much better from the next day and thought I should have visited the doctor earlier.  Just as when I was recovering, Sean got sick.  He very rarely gets sick these days, but he had a moderate fever and lots of coughs.  He had a very painful ear infection and he got an antibiotic as well.  We had a very hard time convincing him to take the medicine.  He is the type of kid that even won't drink different type of juices than what he is used to.  It took me 40 minutes the first night after promising he will get an award for taking the medicine.  Subsequent night took a little less, but it was exhausting nevertheless...

This March was the sickliest month ever in our household.  No more sickness until winter, I hope!

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