Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Ok, this is my third post writing about what we did on this Memorial Day weekend.  We had an excellent three day weekend, fun and super productive.  A long weekend can be a challenge sometimes because someone gets bored (mostly Mike or Sean) and cranky.  I implemented a system this weekend to see if it works to avoid the "I-don't-know-what-to do-with myself" syndrome. 

At night, I sent Mike a schedule I created for the next day.  Below is the actual email I sent to Mike last night.

8:45 am Noah and possibly other kids leave for Noah's Therapy
9:50 am Noah Ends Therapy. If I take all kids I will take them to the park or Y afterwards.
10:30 am Mike leaves with Jan to Tukwila. Moor Furniture or Ikea. There is Futon Only as well.
12:30 pm Kids and I eat lunch at home. Mike and Jan eat lunch at Tukwila. There is a cafe at Ikea if you are already there.
2:30 pm Mike and Jan come back.
3:00 pm Mike takes training wheels off Sean's Bike and teach Sean how to ride in the driveway.
4:30 pm everyone comes home and wash hands and Kimi makes dinner.
5:30 pm dinner
6:30 pm Sean bath
7:30 pm kids sleep

I did a similar thing on Saturday night as well and things got done and we were all happy.  Amazing a little thing can do in life. 

What we accomplished weekend, we had a guy to clean up the weeds in the backyard, vacuumed upstairs and downstairs, had a two-hour-date with Mike thanks to Jan, Mike took Jan to buy bookcases and she finally bought them (yay!), had a nice girl time with my girl friends, Sean took his training wheels off, shopped at Trader Joe's and bought the necessities, did Home Depot and finally bought the veggie plants, Mike took his bike to Gerk's to get his bike chain fixed and tuned-up, Mike also was able to have a couple of hours of me time shopping at REI, and I fixed a nice Memorial Day dinner and celebrated with Jan. 
Phew, I would say that was a very good weekend. 

Oh and I almost forgot, someone moved out from Mommy's room last night.  My little Saya's crib sat empty in my room as she snoozed in Alyson's bed in Sean's room.  She did fine last night and didn't wake up until 7:00 am.  I was squirmy in my bed as I tried to settle in for the night.  It wasn't the same without the baby snoring away next to me.  I was happy to finally have a chance to sleep through the night, the first time ever since she was born three years ago.  However, Noah woke up at 4:00 am and was banging on the wall.  Also, Sean woke me up at 5:30 am as he burst into my room smiling "I didn't wake up Saya!"  We told him not to wake her up if he ever wakes up earlier than her.  I guess I may not get the rest I need unless I go to bed at 9:30 pm everyday!  It's already 10:30 pm and I guess I should stop babbling about how I am deprived of sleep...

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