Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sean and Noah's Latest Achievements


I just watched a movie titled "Temple Grandin" and feeling encouraged.  Dr. Grandin is an autistic scholar whose autobiography revealed how her mind works.  It was the very first book I read of its kind which had taught me living with autism is not so grim after all, rather it can be very advantageous. 

Looking at my boys, I feel lucky.  I feel lucky to be part of this special journey with more feeling of appreciation, discoveries, and triumphs.  There are a lot of challenges for sure but when the boys achieve something, my heart dances and I have the biggest smile on my face.  I gained allies who often get teary when my boys learn something new.  We are very lucky indeed.  We've learned so much and continued to do so. 

Sean's recent achievements:
- He can now eat three big pieces of broccoli at dinner.  He'd eaten three slices of cucumbers, a few lettuce leaves and mushrooms also. 
- He can do big number additions and subtractions in his head.  For example, he said the age difference between Chris, his therapist, who is 26 and me is 14.  He did all in his head! 
- He is a level F reader at school now. 
- He can ride his scooter very well with long glides.
- He gets the concept of making a good choice and bad choice.  He is a logical thinker, so all I have to do is honestly tell him what is going to happen if he chooses certain actions. 

Noah's recent achievements:
- He can now use words to request something.  He mainly does it in therapies, but he would copy words to get what he wants.  iPad application had helped him a lot.
- He can identify colors. 
- He walks better holding hands and he always insists on holding my right hand.
- He pees in potty occasionally.  Potty training is in full swing!
- He can ride a trike at Lakeside.  When he gets stuck, he pushes "help" button to request help from his therapist.  He also says "Hel" for help at the same time.
- He sticks his cheeks out when I say "kiss!" 

We are very proud of them.  We will keep going and will make sure they are challenged at all time.  We know they are capable and have a bright future ahead of them.  Their smart shiny eyes tell me they are waiting to blossom. 

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