Monday, May 7, 2012

Noah, the little snooper and magician

When Noah is quiet, I am in trouble.  Ever since Noah ound his curiosity, there is no real peace in our house.  He has escaped out of our house and onto the street for at least seven times and have managed to lose or break things in the house.  The recent victims are the insurance cards!  I have an evidence of Noah getting into my wallet as above.  I see the insurance cards in the picture and that was the last time I had them.  Between the time of this photo and me putting away the camera, Noah did something to them and voila, they are gone!  They are the only ones missing and I noticed them gone when I went for Saya's three year well check at the doctor's office.  I pulled out a card and gave it to the recetionist and she laughed and told me that it was her YMCA card.  Where did they go?  Noah wouldn't say, but he gives me a superior smile.  I guess I need to order new cards tomorrow...

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