Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Great Thanksgiving

Sean was so excited to have Grandpa and Shasha!

Kids had their own kiddie table.  They didn't much like the food. 

Mike made a chocolate cream pie.  It was delicious!!

Noah cuddling with grandpa and Ralph cuddling with Shasha.

Grandpa being goofy.

Shasha got a workout holding the heavy serving plate of turkey. 

The table - I made the flower arrangement in the middle. I started taking flower arrangement lessons from a lady in Redmond. I love doing crafty things.
Thanksgiving is sort of like a mini Oshogatsu (the New Year's Day celebration in Japan, which is the biggest Holiday in Japan) since it involves gathering with family and lots of food.  Ever since I took over the cooking role for this important day, I am on a quest for the perfect turkey!  I went a little too big this year since I miscalculated the serving size.  I went to Trader Joe's with Jen a few days before the big day and picked up a 20 pounder!  That is about 5 pounds more than what I prepared last year.  I used the same recipe from last year since we liked how it turned out, juicy and tender.  What I learned from this time was that larger the bird, harder to keep it moist since it has to stay in the oven for a longer time.  This year's turkey was about 60 out of 100.  I will be buying a smaller bird next year since we had lots of left over.  I will give the same recipe another try.  Cooking for Thanksgiving is like a sport and I sure was exhausted when it all ended.  I enjoyed cooking for my family and made me feel very thankful to have a nice meal with my family.

Grandpa Bob and Shasha drove all the way from Lewiston to join us for Thanksgiving equipped with a new set of studded snow tires.   Kids were so excited to see them and their puppy, Ralph.  Unfortunately, I was busy dropping kids off at their activities on Wednesday and they arrived while we were out.  They found our contractor, Ed, working on our electrical issues but no us.  Wednesday is the busiest day and I have a crazy schedule which would make anyone's head spin.  I am used to it, but they must have thought I am nuts! 

They were able to stay until Friday and we had lots of fun chatting with them.  Grandpa Bob is goofy and the kids were amused to have funny conversations with him.  Sean, Aly and Saya were chatting with grandpa about something and they were deep in conversation for a while.  It was very cute.  Noah got a good snuggle with him and were very happy to have a company at home.  He absorbs the vibe at home easily and he was all about smiles.  Nana joined us for dinner and brought her famous salad which was very refreshing.

I have so much to be thankful for - my husband who is smart and kind, four healthy children, wonderful in-laws, supportive family in Japan, the house, the schools... the list goes on.  I am one lucky girl.  I hope my family feels the same way about themselves. 

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