Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

The clock is ticking at 10:45 pm and it's only me and the TV Japan on.  The annual singing contest called "Red and White singing contest" just finished showing on TV and now is the appropriate time to reflect on the year that is passing and think of the improvements I want to make for myself in the new year. 

Well, this year was... oh gross, Grace!  She just threw up on the floor next to me!!  I better go clean it up now.  Ok, I am done.  Well, I was going to say that this year was the busiest year yet with driving kids around town to their therapies and activities, and also putting on some volunteer work with three teachers every week.  I don't mind being busy, but once in a while the fatigue and stress get me.  I must admit that I was more irritable this year than the last and I want to make sure this does not become something permanent. 

Sean became more social at school and that is a very exciting achievement he made this year.  Prior to this year, he rarely mentioned his classmates' names in the evening conversations and in fact it seemed like he wasn't interacting with them much.  My heart danced when he talked about how he played with Joshua and Cam during the recess and what they were doing.  Finally, I thought and I couldn't be happier.  He is coping better at school and that might be triggering more severe tantrums at home.  His tantrum grew in size, volume, and frequency this year and that was adding a lot of stress to the family.  He would actually hit, kick and punch (not so hard) his siblings or even me when he loses control.  That is absolutely not acceptable and that is something we need to work on next year.  His inattentiveness is getting worse, too, and we need to find a solution as it is affecting his school work as well.  His body is changing from just skinny to thicker chested and I often remind him to always give me lots of hugs no matter how big he gets.  He LOVES watching football and is very excited to join a local junior football league.  He knows the rules like a professional refree and he is just plainly glued to the TV during any football games.  Funny how sons instictively want to be like their fathers.  I didn't really expect him to like football to this degree (he sleeps with a football every night).  Overall he had a good year.  I am proud of him to be able to keep his cool at school and mingle with his friends.  I know how hard it must be sometimes for him dealing with unpleasant sensory inputs he gets at school.  I know it's going to get easier every year though since he is going to learn to cope and adopt as he matures.

Noah, I am so proud of Noah tonight! I asked him to sit down on the toilet and he pooped in the toilet!  I wasn't sure if he was going to actually pee (didn't know he had to poop) so after a few minuets, I asked him if he is all done.  He said "No" in a clear way and he started to concentrate hard to relieve himself.  Then he exclaimed "All Done!" after I heard the splash.  That was just too cute.  He gets a cookie when he goes to the bathroom, so he ate a special potty cookie for a reward.  He has been communicating more to us using words ever since he started the winter break.  He even started to play "football" with the other children and tackled his sisters.  Every time Noah initiates a play, Aly comes to me to tell me.  "Mommy, Noah is chasing me!  Isn't he cute?" and she sounds sincerely happy that her twin brother wants to play with her.  I know somewhere along the way they stopped playing with each other and they must miss the bond they used to have.  They were in my tummy together... my little twins.  I hope someday they grow back the bond and become best friends.   It was a year of growth for Noah and we are very proud of him for speaking more and tackling Kindergarten like a big boy.

Alyson had a very successful year.  She was often whiny and bratty but transformed into a willing and smart little girl once she started school.  She is TALL and is the second tallest kid in the entire kindergarten class.  Her English is improving although she still talks with a Japanese accent (which is adorable by the way).  She is famous in her class as a good artist!  She is very observant when it comes to art and design.  About the mid year, she started drawing a bunny or any furry animals looking up in her pictures.  She said that is the cutest angle to draw a small animal.  I thought that was a very good observation for being just five.  She also likes the dreamy looking eyes, so she practiced a lot trying to draw a set of sparkly and feminine eyes with drapy lashes.  Some looked cross-eyed and some looked drunk but she worked hard on it, so I dared not to laugh.  I guess I liked to draw as a young girl, too.  I am looking forward to seeing her grow and what things she masters in the new year!

And there is Saya.   She is the cutest thing in my house right now.  She and I spent a lot of time together since everyone else is at school during the week.  We went to Starbucks, libraries, lots of grocery shopping, even to Noah's school for a weekly volunteering.  I was enjoying our time together feeling bittersweet.  Come next September, she will be in school all day just like her brothers and sister.  Why am I thinking ahead so much, I don't know.  All I know is that I am going to miss her lots when she starts school.  She flourished in her Japanese school after she was separated from Alyson.  When they used to go to school together, they played amongst each other and didn't interact with their classmates or participate in class activities.  She now is very vocal in her class and actually enjoys participating in the activities.  At home, she is very good at doing her chores independently.  She likes to do everything by herself and that is a breath of fresh air in our house.  Way to go, Saya!  We are so glad to have the surprise baby growing up healthy and smart!

Well, it looks like I only have five minutes to publish this post before the year ends.
Happy Happy New Years to all the readers!  I appreciate you taking time to read my blog.  The blog has been part of my life since March 2008, kind of like my twins.  After over 500 posts, I am just amazed that I can stick to something this long.  This blog has helped me overcome some of the hardest times in raising kids with special challenges by allowing me to look at the problems in an objective perspective.  I have always wanted to be a writer and my blog is a perfect outlet for my desire to be creative as well.  I will make some much needed improvements to the blog layout and functionality to make it easier and fun for you to read in the new year.  Have a great New Year's Day everyone!

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