Monday, May 2, 2011

Mommy's Races

I've been running on and off for the last few years after recovering from the childbirth.  I've never considered myself as a serious runner and I am definitely not one (as yet).  But lately, I've been throwing myself into short distance races thanks to Mike and my friend, Jen.  Jen's Parker's Mommy and also getting into the quest of becoming in better shape like me.  Jen and I had our second race together yesterday in Top Pot Doughnut 5K around Greenlake.  The first race was just a couple of weeks ago in Bellevue.  I've done pretty well for not training, but I have a lot of room left to improve.  My time in Bellevue was 33 minutes, if I remember it correctly, and 31 minutes this time around.  I do take the numbers seriously as I can be a sour loser, so I am considering training more seriously now that I have done two races.   If only this rain goes away!   Yesterday was quite gorgeous in 60s and I felt pretty warm running.  The sunshine didn't last though and it was a depressingly drizzly day today!

I've also been attending the YMCA's Bollywood class every week for more three months now. I know all the moves and I don't look silly anymore. It's fun and an hour passes by so fast. I like it because it also focuses on posture and stretching. With all the activities I am doing from chasing kids to exercising, I lost a lot of weight. I now weigh lighter than when I was in college in Boise. Some people say I look sickly skinny, but I am not anorexic. Poor woman is exhausted everyday taking care of four children... they assume. Well, that's true in a sense, but it's just that my body frame is small and I have low muscle tone to begin with. So, I may look like I have no ounce of energy left in me, but it's the opposite! I am doing another race again at the end of May and then one on Mike's birthday, which we plan to put all four kids in two double strollers and run! Crazy stuff~

I did not let those two people pass me at the end.  I sprinted like there is no tomorrow.

Sean and Mike came to cheer me on.  It was nice to see them standing by the finish line.  Whole a lot of people were watching us and it reminded me of exiting the international terminal at the airport and seeing all those people looking at me.

Jen and I are racing buddies!

After the race, we took Sean around the city for a mini Sean, Mommy and Daddy day.  We went to have lunch at this Taiwanese breakfast place in Chinatown.  It was very good!

We stopped at Starbucks in the city for a refreshment.  Sean had his organic apple juice and Mommy had her green tea.  Who knows what they were talking about??

1 comment:

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

Good for you! Aaron ran a half marathon this weekend, so I am now so motivated to do one!! I wish we could send some warm weather your way, it is the 70s and low 80s here already...but lots of tornados. Good luck on your running!