Monday, February 27, 2012

Saya, the fashion offender

She was proud of her style, a tutu over a jumper skirt!

She was showing me how her bottom shows. Funny girl!

If there is What Not to Wear Toddler Version, I would very much want to call to put Saya on the show.  She puts on anything she wants to wear and she does it while I am not watching.  The other day, after I dressed her in a jumper skirt, she decided to put a green tutu on top. It looked odd because the jumper skirt got shorter since the tutu raised the dress.  She was pleased with her looks though and refused to take it off.  At her school, I often find explaining myself to the teachers why Saya is wearing what she is wearing.  One of the teachers there responded the other day, "we are used to her strange clothing choice."  She is a character.  I love that about her and looking forward to see how her sense of independence flourish in the future!

Sean's official birthday story

With Dr. Roger.  He retired this year, but he was a great OB.  Mike looks so happy in this picture!

Me with my first hospital meal after giving birth.  I was so puffed up from all the IV fluids and lack of sleep.  I knew I was going to take lots of pictures on, so put on some make up.  That was a big mistake!!  I remember drinking two cartons of grape juice on the tray.  I was craving for sugary drinks!

A new father and his newborn son.  They were together like this for much of the time.  I can even smell the newborn scent looking at this picture.  He as warm and adorable!
Sean sleeping after birth.  Look at how small he was compare to Mike's hand.

Today, February 27th, was Sean's actual birthday.  I have not written about Sean's birth here, since I started blogging when twins were born in early 2008.  I wanted to shart it here before I forget - the day our lives changed for ever. 

 I still remember the day he came into the world clearly.  As a first time preggo woman, I was clutching onto three maternity manuals, one I bought in Australia, one I received as a gift in California, and lastly a hardcore maternity book from Japan.  I relied more on the Japanese book as the due day was approaching because it had detailed steps of labor.  It made me moe terrified but it calmed me down in a way since having more knowledge eased my fear of birthing.

On the night of February 26th, I started having mild stomach cramps.  My stomach tightened for about 30 seconds intermittetly and at 8 o'clock, it was 10 minutes apart.  I was slouching on the dining table since we were having dinner.  It was uncomfortable, but didn't feel like a labor I imagined.  The contractions got closer together and at about 11 o'clock, it was 7 minutes apart.  I know this because I still have the note pad I used to record contractions.   It was getting more painful and I was squinting my eyes enduring the pain.  I was sitting up on the bed and Mike was sleeping peacefully next to me.  I could not believe he could actually sleep, but he needed his sleep I suppose.  I was told from friends that it's better to hold off going to the hospital as much as possible to shorten the time at the hospital before the baby arrives (a myth).  I was able to endure the pain until 4 am and that's when I called my OB and woke Mike up. 

My Mom was here to help out and Mike, my Mom and I drove off to the hospital.  I was all checked in and laying on the bed by 5 am.  I was only 3cm dialated, but I needed the epidural.  I really wanted to wait getting one until at least 5cm because I thought it's better to get one as late as possible (myth).  When the epidural spread to my spine, I was more relaxed and happier.  I tried sleeping, but I was too excited to sleep.  My Mom slept on the arm chair and Mike slept next to me on the folding bed.  I was listening to the beeps and rythmical swooshing noises coming from several machines I was hooked to.  I could not believe it.  I was going to finally meet the baby!

As I was lounghing around on the bed, no need to even go use the bathroom since I had the catheter inserted (how convinient), the nurse checked me and declared I was ready to push.  The nurses came in and out of the room, lit up the bright spot lights that came out from no where, unfolded the little bed from the closet with blanket in it, all my senses came up so high, I felt like I was having an out of body experience.   Mike was smiling so big next to me and my Mom stood behind him with an another excited smile.  Dr. Roger with green surgery outfit came in and I thought to myself, ok I am ready!  I saw a million episodes of Baby Story on TLC and I swore to myself that I will never be a weak pusher.   I also wondered what kind of number counter Mike would be.  Some Dads on the show were like sergent at a training camp.  Mike wasn't so bad.  He was firm but encouraging. 

After 45 minutes of good pushing, which I was told by nurses that it's short for first-timer, little baby Sean arrived!  The doctor put him on my tummy and I could not believe he was finally here!  I held him for a very short time and he was wisked away to get his stat taken.  He was healthy and large for my size, 7 pounds and 13 ounces.  Mike could not get enough of him and he held him most of the time as I recovered from the biggest event of my life.  I think I told someone if birthing is this easy, I wouldn't mind doing it again.  Little did I know that I will give birth to twins two years later and another one after three.  I was so naive then.

So, that is the story of Sean's first birthday.  Sean, someday you will read this and know how excited we were to have you.  You changed our lives for the better and continue to bring us joy and opportunities to grow as a person.  Thanks for being our son.  Happy 6th Birthday, Sean!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sean's 6th Birthday Party

Jen helped with writing the "Happy Birthday" message on the cake.

My terrible looking cake, but Iron Man itsef was good.

Balloons, banners and happy kids!

Sean was the king, playing with his guests.

Look at my Legos!

Happy Birthday to you!

We did it! Sean had his 6th birthday party on Saturday, Feb 25, with his 13 friends at our home. Amy came in early to decorate the house with Iron Man themed decorations. I was very much behind the schedule and was running around as if I am on Iron Chef. I was still whipping the whipped cream for Sean's cake by the first guests arrived. I wanted to spend more time on the cake decoration as all I could do was slap and spread the whipped cream on top. But I did put the Iron Man face I made on the cake and that was the only thing looked good about the cake!

Sean was so excited as soon as he came back from speech therapy plus lunch. He was jumping around the house with a big smile. There were a lot of guests and the house looked so small with about 30 grown-ups and kids. That's when I wish I could have the house in California back! The kids played well. The boys hang out upstairs in Sean's room and the girls played downstairs. They quickly be friended each other and were immersed in what they were playing with. Sean looked really happy! I haven't seen him look that happy for a long time in a while. Sometimes it's hard for him to make friends especially in the new big kindergarten, so I am glad he was able to see all his favorite friends at the party.

When we brought out the cake and put the candles on them. All the kids sitting nearby started to count as I placed each candle on the cake. "One, two, three, four, five, six!", they must have thought that is a lot. Sean smiled so big when he saw the Iron Man on the cake. Staying up until 1:00 am the night before paid off at that. We sang him the birthday song and he was genuinely at bliss. I was lucky to be able to capture the moment on a video. Our friend, Angela, took the photos.
It was nice catching up with friends.  I was not able to talk with some of the guests, but we will set up a playdate soon.  We are so lucky to have wonderful friends we met through school, therapies, work etc...   I hope they all had fun, too!

p.s.  Sean's presents were all Legos!  He could not be happier!  Thanks friends!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mid Winter Break

I honestly thought that these mid season breaks are just for preschools, but I was so wrong!  Spring break being a month away, I do not understand why there is a week long break in the middle of February, but it is what it is.  The break in routin does affect my kids a lot, so I am trying to keep them busy and let them know the schedule of the day in advance to avoid melt downs. 

Today being Tuesday, Alyson had her Japanese class and Noah the ABA therapy at home.  After dropping Aly off at her class, I took Saya and Sean to the Crossoroads Mall to play.  The kids rode all the mechanical ride-ons and had lots of fun.  Sean and Saya are the awkward siblings...  Sean, I think is jealous that Saya and Alyson are best playmates.  He is often mean to her and I think it comes from jealousy.  An argument between them can start as easy as Sean doing something naughty and Saya yelling at him "no, Sean!".  They would eventually start hitting each other because little Saya would not just cry and give up.   I would seperate them but little fire cracker Saya would jump on Sean to square things out in her little mind.  Oh, boy.  Maybe I should let her take wrestling.  Having an outing with just two of them might help improve their relationship, maybe. 

So, my job now is to keep the kids occupied so that they won't drive me crazy from boredom.  Parker came over on Tuesday afternoon for a playdate and Sean went to their house on Wednesday morning.  I was hoping to get some free time so that I can buy things for Sean's party on Saturday, but with four kids hanging around me most of the day, I had no chance.  I will have to do all my shopping on Friday morning when I just have Sean with me.  

Sean is pretty happy, though out of routine does make him throw a huge tantrum at least once a day.  He sits at breakfast and asks me smiling "is it a school day today?" knowing very well that it is not.   He will be a happy and over-excited guy when he sees all his friends at the party.  I need to bake two cakes, one GFCF and the other regular for the party.  I will be baking away tomorrow night after the kids go to bed.  I guess I better sleep now so that I won't be too tired for my solo baker's party at night!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Interesting Weekend...

The trio

Sean on top of the ship!  I remember worrying he wouldn't climb on it when he was about two.  First time parent!!

Saya Baya is what Mike calls her.

Alyson now thinks she has to make this "cheese!" face every time I take a photo.
Mike was attending a two day swimming course and he was gone much of the time.  Saturday was OK since we had a birthday party to go to, but today was a torturous day.  I wish I could have been like the lady in the Sound of Music, but I wasn't feeling it today at all.  Something to do with Sean screaming at midnight because his nose was stuffed up and finally settled after showing him a movie on my iPad on his bed.  He looked sleepy so I assumed he would fall asleep soon, however Mike said he was throwing fits at 1:30 am because the battery on iPad ran out.  Oh joy. 

I had my coffee in the morning, then ibuprofen since I felt a headache coming up, and tons of water to get me out of the massive brain fog, but none helped.  I finally opened all the windows in the house and that helped a little.  The children sensed my absent self and were throwing quite an act to get my attention. 

After feeding four little mouths, I finally decided that I should do something, the thought of it makes my body and soul shiver, to improve my day.  I put coats on them and decided to get out of the house.  Just then, Mike came home unexpectedly since I remembered the ending time incorrectly.  The kids were all ready to go though, so I decided to take Sean, Aly and Saya to an indoor play area somewhere since it was raining outside.  Poor Noah had to stay with Daddy, but it would have been too hard to take all of them anyway.

I was heading out to the Factoria Mall to go to the Kids Quest, but realized that our membership has expired.  There is only one other option when it comes to indoor play area in Bellevue.  The dreadful Bellevue Square Mall's play area.  It gets PACKED on a rainy weekend and it sure was.  There were equal number of grown ups to the children standing around to watch their kids play and reminded me of a crowded pool in Japan on a hot day.  The kids had fun though.  They somehow skillfully avoided running into each other despite all of them wiggling and running around in a crowded place.  Sean was one of the older kids there and realized soon we cannot even come here since he is too big for it. 

It was challenging to keep an eye on all three, but I saw Saya walk out from the play area and followed her to see where she was going.  She walked towards the stairs and actually tried to go down.  I stopped her and said "Saya, where are you going?" and she said "sorry!"  Well, at least she knows it's bad and apologizes?  I also was observing Alyson since she didn't follow me when I told her that we are leaving.  She walked to the opposite direction and was looking at store displays.  She was oblivious that I wasn't near her.  I could tell when she snapped out of her thoughts because she suddenly looked around and called for me.  I waved to her and she came running whining that I left her.  That's why I act like a crazed Sergent Mom in a crowded place!  I have a soft voice normally, but I turn heads (not my kids' heads) when I herd the kids in the public places.  I just wish my kids are in tune with my voice.

It turned out to be a better day towards the end, but boy what an interesting day it was.  It really reminds me SLEEP is super important... So, I guess I should sleep now! (it's 12:15 am...)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Busy with Birthday Parties!

Aly's best friend Yuana, her Mom and little birthday girl, Ellina.  She was very cute!

At Erik's party - getting a group shot of five six-year-old wasn't easy. 

Sean was a "kitchen helper" this morning making his GFCF cupcakes.  He loves to help in the kitchen.

Saya at the community center today.  She looks like a monkey once I saw in Minou Mountain.

Aly was trying hula hooping today.

It was super cute.  Ellina was crying to be carried by her big sister. 

One year is a cute age.
February is our birthday month since the twins were born on the 11th and Sean 27th.  Children's birthday parties take a lot of work with menus, goodie bags, decorations, not to mention the dusting duties I avoid doing unless I have company.  With one done and one more to go, my mind is always occupied with the ideas for Sean's party next weekend. 

It's a busy month for our friends' birthdays, too.  Sean was invited to his buddy, Erik's, birthday party last weekend and all kids were invited to Aly's best friend's sister, Ellina's, party today in Renton.  Erik's party was a drop off party, so it was easy on my part.  Sean had a lot of fun and he enjoyed playing with his old buddy from Phantom Lake preschool.  Ellina's party was at Renton Community Center and the set up was pretty nice.  They rent out a racket ball court with a bouncy house and some toys. It's enclosed, so kids can run around freely without constant supervision.  Noah had to stay home with Amy since I was not confident enough to take all four kids with me to a new place.  But I think it would have been OK since the area was enclosed.   The kids had a very good time and it wore them out!  They all fell asleep without a protest.

I think I will officially call February the busiest month in the Campbell household.  The party preparation and execution take up the entire month and my mind goes high and the bank account goes low.  That is how February goes for who knows how long, until the kids stop having parties. 

Nana is a Washingtonian!

I have not mentioned in the blog before, but Mike's Mom, Jan, moved from Minnesota to Bellevue in mid January.  It's a big move but she did it!  She and her kitty Coco are living in an apartment near Crossroads Mall currently.  She already bought a condo though and closed yesterday.  She is a proud owner of her own place, something she didn't have for decades after moving away from Boise.  Her condo is just a few minutes drive from our house and we could even walk or bike to get there if we wanted to.  She already put in a new carpet today and she bought a new sleep number bed to make her new home comfy.  She joined the YMCA and has been attending a stretching class there.  I can see that she is motivated to change her life style for the better. 

The pictures are from last week when she came over for dinner on twins' birthday.  She gave them their presents and the kids were pretty happy. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Alyson's Birthday Party

Waiting for the guests to arrive - Amy made the banner and the balls hanging from the ceiling.

With Amy!

We were singing Happy Birthday son for Aly.

She blew the candles one by one.

Oh the presents!  Loved all of them.
We had a birthday party for Alyson at home on Saturday and 12 of her friends came over to celebrate.  Amy made beautiful decorations and transformed the living/dining room look like a party palace.   The theme for the party was Hello Kitty and pink!  She is obsessed with Hello Kitty! 

I was going to order a cake at a bakery, but they did not sell Hello Kitty cake.  Since I succeeded with Noah's vanilla carrot cupcakes the night before, I felt good about baking.  I decided to bake my own Hello Kitty cake from scratch.  It took me until midnight on Friday to finish baking and took another hour to decorate it the next day, but the cake turned out pretty decent.  I made a double layered yellow cake filled with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.  I covered the top and sides with whipped cream and used mini chocolate chips to outline Hello Kitty's face.  Her bow was three strawberry slices and used a cut grape for nose.  I didn't want to put too much decorations on the top to keep it simple.  Aly loved the cake and the guests liked them, too!  I might -- try baking the Ironman cake for Sean in a few weeks.

I cannot believe that the twins are four now.  They've grown up a lot, but it just seems like a short while ago they were learning to walk and drooling all over their bibs!  Now, even little Saya isn't so little anymore and I am starting to understand why some people say they would give anything just to go back in time to experience their children's babyhood one more time.  I close my eyes when I kiss them good night and inhale their scent in hope to burn it in my memory.  Bitter sweet, indeed.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Noah!

It's February 11 today and that means our beautiful twins are another year older.  I still remember the day they were born.  I was a huge watermelon ready to crack any moment.  The night before the twin A's water broke (that would be Noah), Mike and I watched a funny show that made me laugh so much my belly hurt.  I was 34 1/2 weeks and optimistic that I will make it until 37th week.  I worked pretty hard to fatten up to make sure the babies are big enough to survive if they came out a little early.  However, 34 weeks were a little too early in my own estimation, since I had my mind set to make it until at least 36 weeks.  I've wondered if I didn't watch that show that night, the twins birthday might have been different. 

Anyway, the twins were born and here we are celebrating their fourth birthday!  Today, I will write about how Noah spent his special day. 

I baked GFCF cupcakes for him so that he could enjoy the birthday treat with his friends at preschool on Friday.  I baked the cupcakes the night before and found that baking late in the evening when everyone is asleep has certain calming effect on me.  The cupcakes turned out perfectly and all children and teachers gobbled them up.  Noah asked for seconds and he got his wish since he was the king of the castle that day.  I observed him the rest of the class and he is much more aware and seems to know the classroom routines very well.  He stayed in his seat during the circle time without wandering away and he was playing solely but by his peers during the choice time.  He looked very comfortable being there and I was happy to see that. 

Noah is an adorable little boy who is blossoming at his own pace.  He is making a slow but steady progress, so we must be patient and enjoy the sweet natured little man with an unopened gift.  I am convinced that he is going to end up being the smartest person in the family.  Another year older, I am looking forward to seeing him grow and learn new skills!   Happy Birthday, Noah!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Purse Carrying Honey Bee (who is a terrible shopper)

Daddy set up his computer he had downstairs in the kitchen, so the kids were watching something on the computer.

She kept touching the tail.  She was walking around like this at the store.  Very cute, but devilish.

Saya found a bumble bee Halloween costume Noah wore when he was a baby in the pretend play box.  She wore it all day today even though she was sweating (it is a warm jacket).  I took her to Trader Joe's in it and she carried a princess purse, too.  She normally sits on the shopping cart, however I thought she might have matured enough to walk with me in the store.  Boy was I wrong!   She kept running away from me and would grab anything she wanted off the shelf.  I don't know how many times I had to return an item she picked up along the way.  She almost knocked down the entire display of green peppers because she was trying to pull out the ones on the base.  Anything green, she thinks she ought to have!  At the cashier's line, she kept trying to run outside the store.  It was quite embarrassing because I was trying to pay and also chase her at the same time.  Other shoppers thought it was funny, a cute little girl in a bumble bee costume pulling the classic terrible two act.   She lost her ticket to walk again in the store for a while.  Why all my kids are runners when outside?   I really want to know!!y

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hiking near Tiger Mountain

I have been happily planning an outdoor adventure with the family ever since I saw cheerful sun icons plastered over the weather forecast through next Tuesday.  AND it was in mid to upper 50s today and the breeze felt like spring!  We decided to go to a trail called the Big Tree Loop in Tiger Mountain since Sean and I are a fan of the classical mountain-shaped mountain we see every time we drive to Issaquah.  It's one of the mountains in what are called "Issaquah Alps" and I say the shape is nice since the other mountains, Squak and Couger are either too flat on the top or hardly a mountain.   Gee, I guess I do spend a lot of time staring at those things on the way to the boys' therapies!

When we arrived at the entrance to the High Point Trails area and started to head out to the trail we wanted to take, we realized that it takes 20 minutes just to get to the starting point.  With two kids walking (Noah and Saya sat on the jogging stroller), it would have taken 30 mins.  So, we had to turn back and find another trail to hike.  We also didn't have the required Discover Pass to enter most of the National Parks in WA, so we returned to Issaquah to purchase the pass.  On the way to the store, we spotted a nice flat trail off the free way, so we decided to come back to it after getting the pass. 

The trail, more like a bike path, was OK.  It was noisy since it was right next to I-90, but the kids had lots of fun observing the fallen trees from the recent snow storm plus wind storm.  I remembered reading the area having mud slides after the storms on a local news page.  There was a creek right by the path and I was surprised now clean the water was.  We are so lucky to live in an area with abundance of nature and people who care to keep the mountains beautiful.

Things didn't go perfectly, but we had a perfect day.  On the way home, we drove through Redmond and picked up a gallon of Mac & Jack at their brewery.  Their African Amber is my favorite beer of all time.  The first gulp (not a sip) of it makes me smile and nod.  Here we are in the final month of winter already, I am left thinking how quickly the seasons go by and how my children are growing up.  I hope I captured the happiness we felt in the photos I took today.