Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Noah!

It's February 11 today and that means our beautiful twins are another year older.  I still remember the day they were born.  I was a huge watermelon ready to crack any moment.  The night before the twin A's water broke (that would be Noah), Mike and I watched a funny show that made me laugh so much my belly hurt.  I was 34 1/2 weeks and optimistic that I will make it until 37th week.  I worked pretty hard to fatten up to make sure the babies are big enough to survive if they came out a little early.  However, 34 weeks were a little too early in my own estimation, since I had my mind set to make it until at least 36 weeks.  I've wondered if I didn't watch that show that night, the twins birthday might have been different. 

Anyway, the twins were born and here we are celebrating their fourth birthday!  Today, I will write about how Noah spent his special day. 

I baked GFCF cupcakes for him so that he could enjoy the birthday treat with his friends at preschool on Friday.  I baked the cupcakes the night before and found that baking late in the evening when everyone is asleep has certain calming effect on me.  The cupcakes turned out perfectly and all children and teachers gobbled them up.  Noah asked for seconds and he got his wish since he was the king of the castle that day.  I observed him the rest of the class and he is much more aware and seems to know the classroom routines very well.  He stayed in his seat during the circle time without wandering away and he was playing solely but by his peers during the choice time.  He looked very comfortable being there and I was happy to see that. 

Noah is an adorable little boy who is blossoming at his own pace.  He is making a slow but steady progress, so we must be patient and enjoy the sweet natured little man with an unopened gift.  I am convinced that he is going to end up being the smartest person in the family.  Another year older, I am looking forward to seeing him grow and learn new skills!   Happy Birthday, Noah!

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