Monday, February 27, 2012

Sean's official birthday story

With Dr. Roger.  He retired this year, but he was a great OB.  Mike looks so happy in this picture!

Me with my first hospital meal after giving birth.  I was so puffed up from all the IV fluids and lack of sleep.  I knew I was going to take lots of pictures on, so put on some make up.  That was a big mistake!!  I remember drinking two cartons of grape juice on the tray.  I was craving for sugary drinks!

A new father and his newborn son.  They were together like this for much of the time.  I can even smell the newborn scent looking at this picture.  He as warm and adorable!
Sean sleeping after birth.  Look at how small he was compare to Mike's hand.

Today, February 27th, was Sean's actual birthday.  I have not written about Sean's birth here, since I started blogging when twins were born in early 2008.  I wanted to shart it here before I forget - the day our lives changed for ever. 

 I still remember the day he came into the world clearly.  As a first time preggo woman, I was clutching onto three maternity manuals, one I bought in Australia, one I received as a gift in California, and lastly a hardcore maternity book from Japan.  I relied more on the Japanese book as the due day was approaching because it had detailed steps of labor.  It made me moe terrified but it calmed me down in a way since having more knowledge eased my fear of birthing.

On the night of February 26th, I started having mild stomach cramps.  My stomach tightened for about 30 seconds intermittetly and at 8 o'clock, it was 10 minutes apart.  I was slouching on the dining table since we were having dinner.  It was uncomfortable, but didn't feel like a labor I imagined.  The contractions got closer together and at about 11 o'clock, it was 7 minutes apart.  I know this because I still have the note pad I used to record contractions.   It was getting more painful and I was squinting my eyes enduring the pain.  I was sitting up on the bed and Mike was sleeping peacefully next to me.  I could not believe he could actually sleep, but he needed his sleep I suppose.  I was told from friends that it's better to hold off going to the hospital as much as possible to shorten the time at the hospital before the baby arrives (a myth).  I was able to endure the pain until 4 am and that's when I called my OB and woke Mike up. 

My Mom was here to help out and Mike, my Mom and I drove off to the hospital.  I was all checked in and laying on the bed by 5 am.  I was only 3cm dialated, but I needed the epidural.  I really wanted to wait getting one until at least 5cm because I thought it's better to get one as late as possible (myth).  When the epidural spread to my spine, I was more relaxed and happier.  I tried sleeping, but I was too excited to sleep.  My Mom slept on the arm chair and Mike slept next to me on the folding bed.  I was listening to the beeps and rythmical swooshing noises coming from several machines I was hooked to.  I could not believe it.  I was going to finally meet the baby!

As I was lounghing around on the bed, no need to even go use the bathroom since I had the catheter inserted (how convinient), the nurse checked me and declared I was ready to push.  The nurses came in and out of the room, lit up the bright spot lights that came out from no where, unfolded the little bed from the closet with blanket in it, all my senses came up so high, I felt like I was having an out of body experience.   Mike was smiling so big next to me and my Mom stood behind him with an another excited smile.  Dr. Roger with green surgery outfit came in and I thought to myself, ok I am ready!  I saw a million episodes of Baby Story on TLC and I swore to myself that I will never be a weak pusher.   I also wondered what kind of number counter Mike would be.  Some Dads on the show were like sergent at a training camp.  Mike wasn't so bad.  He was firm but encouraging. 

After 45 minutes of good pushing, which I was told by nurses that it's short for first-timer, little baby Sean arrived!  The doctor put him on my tummy and I could not believe he was finally here!  I held him for a very short time and he was wisked away to get his stat taken.  He was healthy and large for my size, 7 pounds and 13 ounces.  Mike could not get enough of him and he held him most of the time as I recovered from the biggest event of my life.  I think I told someone if birthing is this easy, I wouldn't mind doing it again.  Little did I know that I will give birth to twins two years later and another one after three.  I was so naive then.

So, that is the story of Sean's first birthday.  Sean, someday you will read this and know how excited we were to have you.  You changed our lives for the better and continue to bring us joy and opportunities to grow as a person.  Thanks for being our son.  Happy 6th Birthday, Sean!

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