Monday, February 20, 2012

Interesting Weekend...

The trio

Sean on top of the ship!  I remember worrying he wouldn't climb on it when he was about two.  First time parent!!

Saya Baya is what Mike calls her.

Alyson now thinks she has to make this "cheese!" face every time I take a photo.
Mike was attending a two day swimming course and he was gone much of the time.  Saturday was OK since we had a birthday party to go to, but today was a torturous day.  I wish I could have been like the lady in the Sound of Music, but I wasn't feeling it today at all.  Something to do with Sean screaming at midnight because his nose was stuffed up and finally settled after showing him a movie on my iPad on his bed.  He looked sleepy so I assumed he would fall asleep soon, however Mike said he was throwing fits at 1:30 am because the battery on iPad ran out.  Oh joy. 

I had my coffee in the morning, then ibuprofen since I felt a headache coming up, and tons of water to get me out of the massive brain fog, but none helped.  I finally opened all the windows in the house and that helped a little.  The children sensed my absent self and were throwing quite an act to get my attention. 

After feeding four little mouths, I finally decided that I should do something, the thought of it makes my body and soul shiver, to improve my day.  I put coats on them and decided to get out of the house.  Just then, Mike came home unexpectedly since I remembered the ending time incorrectly.  The kids were all ready to go though, so I decided to take Sean, Aly and Saya to an indoor play area somewhere since it was raining outside.  Poor Noah had to stay with Daddy, but it would have been too hard to take all of them anyway.

I was heading out to the Factoria Mall to go to the Kids Quest, but realized that our membership has expired.  There is only one other option when it comes to indoor play area in Bellevue.  The dreadful Bellevue Square Mall's play area.  It gets PACKED on a rainy weekend and it sure was.  There were equal number of grown ups to the children standing around to watch their kids play and reminded me of a crowded pool in Japan on a hot day.  The kids had fun though.  They somehow skillfully avoided running into each other despite all of them wiggling and running around in a crowded place.  Sean was one of the older kids there and realized soon we cannot even come here since he is too big for it. 

It was challenging to keep an eye on all three, but I saw Saya walk out from the play area and followed her to see where she was going.  She walked towards the stairs and actually tried to go down.  I stopped her and said "Saya, where are you going?" and she said "sorry!"  Well, at least she knows it's bad and apologizes?  I also was observing Alyson since she didn't follow me when I told her that we are leaving.  She walked to the opposite direction and was looking at store displays.  She was oblivious that I wasn't near her.  I could tell when she snapped out of her thoughts because she suddenly looked around and called for me.  I waved to her and she came running whining that I left her.  That's why I act like a crazed Sergent Mom in a crowded place!  I have a soft voice normally, but I turn heads (not my kids' heads) when I herd the kids in the public places.  I just wish my kids are in tune with my voice.

It turned out to be a better day towards the end, but boy what an interesting day it was.  It really reminds me SLEEP is super important... So, I guess I should sleep now! (it's 12:15 am...)

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