Friday, February 26, 2010

Birthday Party at School

We had a little birthday party at Sean's preschool today. My big boy is going to be 4 tomorrow. I am excited for him to be one year older, but I sad that his baby days are truly over. Sometime it feels like he is growing up too fast and sometimes not fast enough - but I know for certain that I am going to miss kissing his soft smooth skin and seeing him stand one third of height next to his Daddy. Thank goodness for this blog and millions of photos I am taking!
Sean's lower lip is very much swollen today but he had no problems eating cake! He was so happy to have a big cake with the writing "happy 4th birthday, Sean" and sing the Happy Birthday song. As you can see in the photos, he was the king today at school. They made him a crown and he wore it all day. We told him that tomorrow is his actual birthday and he said "I need my crown". He'll be excited to know that he'll have another cake tomorrow. (well, this kid is very lucky... one cake for school today, another cake for his birthday tomorrow and the third one for the birthday party we'll have next Sat. -- we had to postpone the party from tomorrow to next Sat due to the kids being sick!)

1 comment:

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

Happy Bday to all of your kiddos!!! I saw the twin bday post below. And I am still working on figuring out my Nikon, I have no hints!!! So much to learn and no time!