Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Surprise Gift

I might have to brag about my husband a bit.  Mike nailed the first day of the new year big time.  He got up early, went for a jog and sprinted at the park, returned home and made us some breakfast, took Noah out to run errands, and came home with a big surprise present for me.  In the meantime, I was in my pj and robe until early afternoon and was enjoying a relaxing day with the three kids.  I was planning to take the kids to the Japanese Shinto shrine we usually visit on the New Year's day, but I remembered that I shouldn't be cramming too much in my schedule.  Staying home and spending time with my family seemed like a better idea.

Mike came home from the outing with Noah and told me with a big smile on his face that he has a surprise for me.  Then he brings this long big box from his car and I had no clue what it was.  I felt like a little kid on the Christmas day.  Since the box was about the size of Alyson, we told the curious kids who were already gathered around the box that there is a brand new kid inside the box.  It was a joke but they sort of believed us.  They started to walk away in fear when I cut the box open.  Well, it was not a kid inside (I would return it to the store if that was the case) but a brand new golf set!  I was elated because I secretly wanted a set since I liked playing golf in the past.

I was so excited, I went out to the front yard to practice my swing.  Mike had gotten me some plastic balls to practice with, too.  My neighbors were out so they were watching me take my very first swing in years.  I remembered how to swing with a decent form, but the ball decided not to get hit.  I swung about four times before the ball moved from the original position.  I will get better!  I taught the girls how to swing in the backyard later and they were digging holes than hitting the ball.  It was all fun anyway.  Alyson was getting better at hitting but her form is very random and incorrect.  Maybe Aly and I can take a lesson together in summer this year. 

So, yes I had a very good New Year!  Thanks, Mike!!

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