Monday, January 26, 2015

Two Three Days Weekend


The kids got lucky for the past two weeks since they didn't have school on two Mondays.  The one last week was Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and today was a teacher training day.  I like that I don't have to wake up early to make their lunches, but then I have them all day asking me what they should do.  When I say "ok, why don't you read?" then they say "no, no, not that kind of thing.  Like what I usually like to do".  The next time they ask me the same question, all I do is just stare at them.  They seem to get "why ask?" message telepathically. 

Sean these days are more a Daddy's boy than Mommy's.  I should be happy he still calls me Mommy, but the bond they have are pretty tight and I am losing my share in Sean's favorite things pie chart steadily.  The football is a big culprit but there are also unspoken guy things that women don't get - like not washing hands before eating out at a restaurant.  I try my best to play catch with him but I also have to keep track of Noah and make meals.  Daddy is more available (on weekends) to play with him.  I also don't get too excited about Fantasy Football or know who the quarterback is for Minnesota Vikings.  My eyes don't shine twinkle like Mike does when I talk about sports.  So, of course Daddy has a higher score than me in terms of fun category. 

I asked him who he likes go hang out with, Daddy or Mommy, the other day.  I know it's a loaded question and not a very mature thing to ask, but we all ask the kids at one point in our lives, don't we?  Maybe not.  He cautiously responded "I like to hang out with you and daddy the same".  A smart answer, I thought.  I can see his thoughtfulness in sweet little answer like this.  He also said "Can you stop asking me that?" when I asked him if he thought Seagals (Seahawks cheerleaders) are prettier than Mommy.  Mike jumped in from the background exclaiming "Of course, it's Mommy!" a self-defense automatic response he developed over a decade of failed honesty.

Saya is getting good at gymnastics.  She has been taking a class once a week since four years old.  It was just for fun in the beginning, but she is into it now.  She is almost there with cartwheels and handstand.  Her bridge looks nice and she can climb a long rope higher than ever before.  She practices her cartwheels everyday.  She sticks her hands up with her fingers spread apart like a little frog's before she tries and it's the cutest thing.  Unlike me, she is a very muscular and flexible, so gymnastics suits her.

Alyson continues to be a great reader.  She is the only kid that won't complain when I ask her to read.  She knows she is good at it and enjoys it.  She is also taking gymnastics, but she is just there to have fun.  I don't see much of interest in gymnastics from her.  I am looking for some activity for her now and Mike might have discovered her talent the other day.  While Sean was playing in his basketball game, Alyson and Saya tried indoor rock-climbing in the gym.  Alyson climbed all way to the top quite easily in the first try.  She has long arms and legs so she has a great reach span and she is also very strong.  The strong part must come from Daddy's side because my muscles are very wimpy.   Since we already have Sean's old rock-climbing shoes, she is good to go with this hobby.  Mike joined a class to become a rope holding person for the climbers on Saturdays, so he will be taking her to rock-climbing sessions regularly now. 

As for me, I started taking a photography class every week for five weeks.  I am so excited about this since my last photography training was nearly 20 years ago.  It's offered at a local community college and is for people of all skill level, so we will see if it's as effective as I want.  I attended the first session last week and the instructor seems nice and so are my classmates.  They ran out of time before they critique my work.  I have no idea if my photos are something acceptable in a professional world.  I have never been critiqued by a pro.  My friends and family like my work, but who knows what the experienced pros would say.  It's exciting and nerve-racking but I am hoping to learn tons from this class and hopefully take more classes to up my skills!

I am all over in my post today, but I also wanted to mention about two sleepovers my kids had during the two long weekends.  The first sleepover happened on the first weekend with Parker.  Parker came over to "sleep" with Sean on Sunday and they had such a great time.  The only thing they didn't do much of was sleep.  I really don't know what they were talking about but they chatted pretty much until midnight.  Funny boys.  They go to different schools so when they see each other, they make sure they catch up.  They really like each other and at one point Sean was saying he wants to marry Parker.  He also said that he has a crush on Parker thinking "crush" means he likes someone very much.  I like the innocence of the boys their age. The next day was tough, but it was all worth it I am sure.

The girls had their sleepover at Nana's house last night and they also didn't sleep very much!  Jan told me when I dropped my girls off that she has cheese, crackers and shrimps and it sounded like a girls night in.  They are all so cute.  In the end, they watched four movies and went to bed at midnight.  Sounds like a sleepover to me. :-). They were tired today and a little crankier than usual, but they had a fabulous time at Nana's house.  Thank you for hosting, Jan!  They said they have something they are not supposed to tell me but rest assured they were tight lipped and haven't leaked anything.  What happens at Nana's stays at Nana's. 

Well, I think that is about it!  Have a great week everyone!
p.s. The non-gymnastics photos are my class assignments this week.  The theme was "Light".  What do you think?

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