Monday, January 5, 2015

Belated Christmasgram

The kids quickly sorted tbe presents to each recipient.  We told them not to touch the presents but they could not help themselves.

This cat has been on Aly's wish list for a while so she was very happy!

Sean received a new jersey from Santa.  He lost his navy one at school.

Nana received a giftcard for Microsoft Store.

Boxes everywhere! 
Look I am already behind on post!

I wanted to write a bit about our Christmas day before my memory is still fresh.

My impressions of the day were chaos and excitement sprinkled with guilt which are the similar feelings I experience every year.  The best part of Christmas is a few moments before opening presents.  Anticipation of how happy the kids are going to be makes me feel just as thrilled as the children.  From then on, the chaos come rushing over.   It's fun to watch them rip through the wrapping paper to find their favorite thing inside, but then this is when the guilt starts to set in.  I bought too many things for them again this year - I realized.  What I am teaching children here?  I mean, smart families are choosing to simplify their Christmas and here I am going nuts at stores like a squirrel prepping for winter!  It's also due to not remembering what I bought already.  I am pretty much convinced that I need to start writing everything done like normal productive people.  Depending on my memory only isn't working anymore!

The guilt aside, we had a nice Christmas.  We had a nice dinner, grilled tri-tip with various sides and home baked chocolate cake for dessert.  The kids looked happy although they were fighting a lot later in the day.  They get overtired because they usually can't sleep very well from the excitement the night before.  All in all, I hope they felt our love.  The best present of all, cheesy I know, was being able to spend the time together.  The life is still simple since they are little, but I know someday I will wish I could go back in time to experience Christmas just  like how it was.  So, in longer perspective, I will give myself 100%.  I will however plan my purchases better with my trustworthy planner I started using in the new year. 

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