Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mushroom Season

The other day, Aly said to me "Mommy, look I found mushrooms!!" as I drove into our drive way.  I didn't think she could spot small mushrooms from the car, so assumed she saw something else.  One day, I walked out with Aly to see them since she kept insisting she saw some.  Sure enough, there were huge mushrooms on the front lawn.   They were so huge to the point they looked grotesque.  I explained to the kids that we shouldn't touch them since we don't know if they carry poison or not.  At first we saw two large ones but soon enough realized that there are colonies of mushrooms everywhere around.  I felt like we are being invaded by alien mushrooms.  The children like them, even though I don't.  I've never seen mushrooms like them before in our yard.  I've spotted several on the nearby trails, but never on my own turf.  When Jason mowed the lawn the other day, he pulled them out and left them on the side.  Sean was upset at first since he thought Jason had bulldozed the poor mushrooms.  He was delighted to see them laying on the side instead of torn to pieces.  I looked them up on the web, but not sure which kind they are.  They look innocent enough but never know.  We go out on sunny days to find more mushrooms and I have a feeling it's going to make it to the top five fun things to do in fall!

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